How to stop worrying and start living
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Worry often gives a small things big shadow.
Swedish proverb.
People go to the self-destruction of a variety of ways. One of them - excessive worry.
Someone too worried about loved ones or a career, creating a negative scenarios in their heads. Anxiety turns into a worm that sharpens you as a Dutch cheese, and energy is becoming less and less.
How to learn quickly to cope with anxious thoughts and keep them in your head? Consider a few tricks.
Focus on the present moment. Stay "Here" and "Now"
Too developed imagination and thoughts of what could turn the situation in the future, give rise to the greatest feelings and anxiety. If you have to dwell on it and constantly come up with negative scenarios of the situation, to no good it will not. Even worse, if you think back to some similar negative situation from the past and projecting it to current events.
If you spend too much time and energy imagining the future in a negative way, or constantly torment myself with heavy memories of the past - is even stronger weakens your nervous system.
Want to worry less - concentrate on the present moment! To do this, follow these tips:
1. Think about today. At the beginning of the day or at a time when the alarm will begin to cloud your mind, sit down for a minute, stop. Breathe. Significantly narrow the focus. Do not look forward, as you see the goal to be achieved, and begin to worry even more. Just focus on the current day. Nothing more. "Tomorrow" is not going anywhere.
2. Speak what you're doing right now. For example: "Now I brush my teeth." Drive off into the past and the future is very easy. And this phrase quickly takes you back to the present.
Ask yourself how many times your negative predictions for the future do not come true?
A lot of things that you fear, never will happen to you. It's just a monster living in your head. And even if some of your fears will actually happen, most likely it will not be as bad as you imagine painted. Anxiety often - a waste of time.
Of course, easier to say than to do. But if you ask yourself the question, how much of what you have experienced in your life happens in reality, you will be sure to let go.
Refocus with strong concern on how you can influence the current situation
To get out of anxiety state, think about what you can do to change the situation for the better and start to change it.
There are only two options for the development of the situation:
1. or you are unable to influence it and, in this case, it makes no sense to wear down themselves anxiously,
2. or you can influence on it, and then you need to stop worrying and start acting.
And what do you do when you feel that the brain is fogged anxiety?