10 things not to buy any normal person
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Some things we do not like so that their owners believe we are strange people. Often it's just a stereotype, but in some cases this title is justified. Reddit users have discussed that will not buy any normal person, and made from all this collective image.
beardyman22I do not know what it is, but only asshole buys a piece, which makes it so that sounds like the Toyota Corolla motorcycle
SinewaveZBCaps with biscuits from "Sesame Street"
ReevinI worked at McDonald's. Once in the environment at eight o'clock to me he looked a man and ordered two large coffee for his eight-year child. On Wednesday. At eight in the evening.
I think children drove his ex.
ghost0427Reusable toilet paper. Especially in the home with common toilet and washing machine.
VictorBlimpmuscleThe sticker on the glass with Calvin peeing.
MMMLGI was a salesman in a store sunglasses. And I do not recall a single buyer Oakley Radarlock, which would not correspond to the stereotype of the stupid party-goers.
_Ofenkartoffel_Eggs for Trucks (picture below).
Vintage-InjunStickers with the logo energy Monster Energy.
SardonnicusGiant pipes for pickup trucks that spew black smoke.
PunchBeardSticker Punisher or Decepticon car or truck.
No, seriously, have you ever met at least one person adequately with these stickers?
So that nothing is forgotten, Reddit users have decided to make a collective image of "inadequate" human, which combines all these horrors.