9 reasons for deciding to leave Russia every
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Material? Not at all. In this sense, we, the residents of cities, happier others (although, of course, not in money happiness). Wages allow us to look at the world through the eyes of more confident, stronger stand on your feet, please yourself some pleasant trifles.
But do not live by bread alone.
Unfortunately, living in Russia, I can not for any money to buy what I want.
That's about it and have to talk.
1. Security
It does not exist. Police renamed the police, the military promised a big payday, all security forces disguised in a brand-new brand-new form. Does this effect was given? No, if you are still at the sight of a police officer wants to go to the other side of the street. No, if the wife payday inspect men, how not to be robbed by the police.
No, if the driver holds a passport several hundred bills in the event of sudden bribe the inspector. No, if a person comes in the form of the supermarket and shoot people.
Do you believe the police? Me not. And we have long since moved away from the stage, "the police do not do anything, so no use of it," and went up to a new level, "the police do a lot of things, so you should be afraid of it."
2. Health
I have health insurance and have the money for that in this most insurance does not include, for example, in dentistry. However, in order to go to the doctor, I need a long time to consult with friends and acquaintances, so as not to get to the layman.
I still remember with horror a Moscow clinic, staffed by "doctors" who are not eligible for medical activities. And the clinic and no one thinks to close!
A dentist once found me in the implant cavities.
Amid all this fantastic medications and prescriptions. Pediatrician to prescribe all children without exception homeopathic drugs. The Ministry of Health that promotes drugs, whose effectiveness has not been confirmed by any research. Finally, numerous multidisciplinary clinics, which are growing across the country like mushrooms after rain.
Find a good specialist - it is not just difficult, sometimes almost unattainable. Not to mention all the intricacies that are cleverly spelled out in the policy. It is part of the insurance, but this fee. Somehow, we charge more than half the possible services.
3. Education
What level of education is falling, it is no secret. Parents send their children to study in foreign universities, and I come in horror when fellow students talk about what they are trying to teach. Abstracts are downloaded from the Internet, pay for the course - received a diploma.
4. unprofessionalism
It follows directly from the preceding paragraph. We have entered the era of non-professionalism in all fields ranging from medicine and ending with the laundry. People have forgotten how to write business letters. Please read the text on the screen causes panic.
The following example will understand not only IT pros, but just people who know English. The system administrator of one of the Moscow airports (with honors one of Moscow's most famous technical colleges) proved my friend, too, the administrator that there is a difference between static routing and static routing.
Next time, when you swear by the flight delays at the airport, remember what specialists work there.
And this is just one example, in one area.
5. The property
Lack of opportunity to buy housing in his city. Exorbitantly high prices for apartments.
Not long ago, one man has calculated that, if sell their wretched Khrushchev on the outskirts of Moscow, which is in almost emergency house, he could buy a castle in the Czech Republic.
At the same time, even with housing, you are not immune to the fact that tomorrow will not start building the next Olympics (or whatever) when your house is left to be demolished.
6. Corruption
The rule of "not podmazhesh - you will not go." You know how to give a bribe? I can not. However, bribery everywhere, everywhere, everywhere it is necessary to "stick", "to", "to thank." IKEA Company minimizes its business in Russia, the expansion will not be more, because IKEA is also not able to give a bribe.
7. Low quality of all products
That's all, I was not mistaken, from yoghurt to cars. About the Russian car industry can be many things to say, but limit ourselves to what has already been said. All in all, not the best we have auto industry. And speaking of food, the clothes, then there's just a song.
I live in St. Petersburg, Finland close in recent years become a very popular day tours in Finnish shops.
At first I did not understand what the salt, and then it became clear. We have two of the same shampoo, same brand. One made in Russia, the second in Finland. Day and night. In the first case - sparse Vodicka. In the second - really shampoo from which the hair is "silky and shiny."
Meat, fish, milk, no comparison. Why is that? I dont know. I do not understand why a tiny Finland provides our country with dairy products. I do not understand why tiny Israel provides great Russian radishes and strawberries.
Prices are also striking. One and the same product from us in Finland costs differently. Or take a T-shirt. Good American t-shirts Mountain. In the US - 16-20 dollars. In the Russian online store 50-60. In the real store 100. What is that supposed to mean? And in all that.
8. Full respect for the rights and freedoms of the individual
I will not for a long time to paint this item is limited only by stating that "the Soviet court the most humane court in the world." The main reason of paragraph 8 in the following paragraph.
9. But now the point that outweighs all the previous
It is this point, rather than the previous causes to think about moving to another country. What it is? This is called the watchman's syndrome, it is disrespectful to other people, it is intolerance, at times bordering on fascism.
Imagine for a moment that that's happened and all government, all officials tragically killed in a single day. What will happen in a week, a month? They will have the same faces and the same places. Why? Because people do not change, because for some it is not quite clear to me the reasons we have such people.
It is the conductor on the train, yelling at the old woman, who did not immediately find his travel. This boorish-registrar in an urban clinic. This cop who beats Man without registration. This man, blowing his nose on the pavement. A colleague who steals from work stapler and you also complains voro in the state. Lady, put the baby on a small need on the platform... and then wonder what this young satisfied toilet in the elevator.
More examples are needed? As an example to the Controller, who pulls the "hare" purse to pull out of it at least some recompense? A school teacher, who calls children tuporylye freaks? A kindergarten teacher, which glues the child's mouth with tape, "so as not to yell," and dismiss it can not be, because "well-deserved and generally no one else is going to work for five thousand?"
I do not know, I really do not know why we have such people. At one time I thought that perhaps the case in the Soviet era, in the principle of egalitarianism, in the extermination of the elite, but you never know what is enough. However, remember the Tolstoy, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Turgenev, in a word, our classics, reading that you begin to realize that it has always been so. Why? I do not know. Historically.
Actually, that's nine points, nine points, which eloquently speak for themselves.
Of course, I could argue. To say that is not so scary. To say that we must fight for their happiness, for a bright future. But why should I fight for the future? Sorry, friends, I am not a warrior, I have a humble administrator.
I do not want a bright future, I want to calm now.
What is my contribution to society, you ask? I have long said to myself this question. Yes, I am not a warrior and not a revolutionary. I do not care who will stand me - red, white, green or blue. I just want a quiet life.
I want to do well and accurately what I can, because I think, this is the fundamental principle should be any state. But I do a good job, do not steal, do not take bribes, respectful attitude to the people around.
I pay taxes, what's more, I'm not willing to pay 13 percent of their income, and, say, 20 or even 25, only to be around me was peace and order. I'm willing to pay for the smooth roads, green parks, clean air and cozy home. With his hand, I seem to have done everything, my part of the contract is made. Where's the part that should provide the state? I do not see.
I repeat, I have neither the desire nor the physical ability to run on areas with flags in the teeth to arrange clashes and fighting with police. I just want a quiet life. Do not I have the right to do so only because she was born here, and not in another country? Be patient, it's our home, son? But I do not want to endure.
Why do all the time have to endure? For the graves of ancestors? Since their memories in my heart, not in the ground. For the sake of birch? Birch trees grow practically everywhere. For the sake of his native city? Yes, this is an argument, but my city (St. Petersburg) for many years on the looting in rabid gang of officials.
Have you ever walk through the streets of winter threatened at any time, or be killed by an icicle (if you go on the sidewalk) or hit by a car (if you walk on the carriageway)? I have done this every winter. For what?
The conclusions from the above, I am doing very simple. We must act, what I'm doing. It is not just a specialist, and demanded specialist. To study and learn the language. And choose a country to live in.
Is because of this... I'm a traitor? Just because I want to be "living in such a house," and not "living at the address?" To live, not survive. Do not adapt and learn not to give bribes. That's what you want most.
Naturally, I do not mind that flows away. I am an ordinary person who wants an ordinary life. What a betrayal of something here?