That we should not ignore the Internet: Politics, trolling, holivory, religion, advertising
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Copyright Shutterstock
Internet has accustomed us to respond almost instantly to a wide range of issues and topics, and social networks only to consolidate this trend. Now we are on every occasion to contrive a long discussion, even if the problem is far-fetched, and we could spend their time on more useful and productive employment. Here are at least five things for which we habitually spend their time on the web, but much better than it would be simply to ignore them.
Politics: you will never be able to prove to his opponent on the Internet that the government / political movement, good or bad, if your opponent believe the opposite. Moreover, for participation in the political debate on media sites and relevant online communities, many "Anonymus" get money. Is it worth spending the time to "fight with a shadow" rather than read an interesting book or work on his own project? Ultimately, politics, and policy change each other, and the time you spend on them, you will not be able to return.
Trolling: in the days of my youth called idiots by idiots, and there is no good reason to change this practice :) "trolls" who work for money as part of specialized information resources (see. "Policy" above), or making the "yellow" online publications and TV shows - this is a separate category of people who have their own reasons to make money in this way. I do not judge them; but 80% of non-professional "trolls" consider their behavior in the network something fun out of boredom and a certain way affirmation (you can "face" in the offline life get online and almost 90% of cases of such behavior and statements There will be nothing). Should you spend your time on provocation, which are made consciously and are aimed at the most vulnerable to attack the personal, social and moral, ethical considerations? Except negativity and wasting their energy "into the void" you do not get anything in return.
"Holivory" on any subject: "The national war, holy war" - between fans of Apple and Microsoft, iOS and Android, Linux and the Windows, "Spartacus" and "Dynamo"... the list can be endless. "The Best of B? Yes, nothing! Even worse, a lot "- is to throw this phrase in the" midst "of the target audience of such" wars "in the forum, blog or website, and dozens of people sketched hundreds of comments, foaming at the mouth to prove that "their grass is greener your. " Instead just use what you like and easy, you, too, succumb to this network madness? It is in vain: there is no need to convince anyone that you like something more than you or something more convenient to use. "Evangelists" get paid for it, you're just wasting your time and the time - the most valuable thing that you have (after the health, of course).
Religion / atheism: nobody owes you impose spiritual life, or lack thereof. Boldly "zabante" all "preachers" and militant "atheists" in your stream: a question of faith - is extremely delicate and even in something intimate. If you want to believe in God, Buddha, Allah, Christ, Krishna - you believe in, if not - you do not believe. Almost all the constitutions of various countries guarantee citizens a minimum of freedom of conscience. This freedom ends where another person's freedom begins; which means you can believe / do not believe in a particular set of tenets / doctrines / rules of the spiritual life themselves, but not in the right "to drive" someone "into the arms" of belief or disbelief. Moreover, on religion and atheism in the Network prefer to make both directly and indirectly; whether it all your time and money - I'll ask again.
Advertising: you still have not installed AdBlock or similar browser plugin in order to "cut off" annoying banner ads, pre-rolls and "pop-ups"? Then do it today. Internet in terms of media content a number of users prefer to use it because it does not have the dominance of advertising like the TV channels; and therefore, there is no point once again to face a bunch of intrusive and unnecessary information you need, where someone earns (again and again).