How to overcome fear of the unknown
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Fears are different, and talk about them, you can almost indefinitely. Who is afraid of the dark, someone - spiders, and someone - betrayal of a loved one. But there is one fear that is common to all - is the fear of the unknown. Let's talk about it?
We are afraid of what will happen tomorrow. All this is because we have no idea what will happen. And it scares the hell out of us, covering a wave of fear and panic, which respond by unpleasant sensations in the stomach.
We are used to all to control and always be up to date. Turn off the news flow for at least one day is unacceptable, because we are afraid to miss something important. We are going through, we do not have enough money, and because of this, go to work, which brings a steady income, but it absolutely does not meet the requirements in personal growth. Or work gives us the missing feeling of satisfaction, but it takes away the free time we could spend with loved ones.
All this does not lead to anything good. Being in fear for their uncertain future, we forget about one of the most important moments of life - a moment of "now."
Chris Smith (Chris Smith), IT-manager of aerospace companies, a leading blog on technology and productivity Devburner, 4 led for themselves rather obvious rule to combat the fear of the unknown, and personal example shows that they work.
Here and now
Do not forget about such an important moment as the "here and now". If so required, give yourself a reminder: "Stop. Look! "They stopped, disconnected from business, looked around to realize what is happening around. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. At this point you are free: you can think about anything and nobody can stop you. Take at least a couple of stops per day.
daily notes
Keep a record of the most significant things that happened to you during the day. Even if the writer of you useless, still take notes. When thoughts fall on the paper, they become more orderly and quite often are born new and interesting ideas. In any case, looking at the end of the year on these records, summarize it will be much easier. And more records management at the end of each day will give you a sense of completion. And it is very, very important.
If you do not want to make it in the social networks and the Internet in general, you can use special applications created for note taking (the same Momento or Day One).
Friends and Family
Try to see friends more often and communicate more with my family. This does not mean that you necessarily have to devote time to all who wish, and be a better friend to all. It's simply impossible. But each of us has a special people with whom we really want to spend time more often.
Plan your work time, try to prioritize and say "no", not only to those with whom you work, but also to themselves. After all, in fear for the future well-being, we sometimes we undertake an enormous amount of work that is physically impossible to fulfill. Do the most important secondary delegate. If you are not comfortable to give and you feel that in this way is very fail the customer may wish to consult a colleague who is not as well as you do the job.
And on my own I would add one more point - take pictures. People, events and landscapes. Then of these pictures going with the album of your life story. Something you delete without looking and without regret, something will stay with you for a long time. And in something you are likely to see for themselves a new opportunity.
If you want to know if these tips work, do not just read and forget and try to follow them at least a couple of weeks. After all, only after the test, you can see if right for you this or that system. ;)