Cafe4tune: 3D social network with ample opportunities
A Life Web Services / / December 19, 2019
Social networks continue to grow. Some people love it, but some do not, but the fact remains that people like it. Technology does not stand still, and now people can not just create a profile in the information space, but also immerse themselves in a full-fledged three-dimensional world, adapted to each individual user. The first serious implementation of this approach to social networks can be called a project called Cafe4tune, Which is a true 3D social network.
Communication without boundaries
Interaction options here very much. For example, a resident of Moscow, walking through Red Square, absolutely can inadvertently see on the screen among the passers-by of his friend. Then they both can go to the cafe located in the vicinity and convenient way to communicate - chat, voice or video conference, and at the same time listen to music or watch together the football matches, to shoot on a professional camera or mobile phone. Missed the broadcast can find it in a search engine and look at any convenient time.
interesting acquaintances
Network acquires new functions. Each user can create his flirtation request and Cafe4tune based matches query criteria and the search will attract compatible people private chat window. With the consent of both users of their real profiles will be available to each other, and they will be able to start chatting.
At the moment, it is difficult to find a service where the user would be able to pick up a couple at the same time, chat with friends in chat or voice, to make a presentation of their product, sing karaoke or watch online broadcast of the concert favorite artist or football match. And with all this, watching himself on the screen.
news items
One of the planned chips Cafe4tune - news block from the World Wide Web. It is also expected to feature online radio for those who are more comfortable to take the news to the ear. Well, or just listen to music, catching your favorite wave.
editing freedom
In Cafe4tune under one account, you can create several personal pages for each of them have their own privacy settings. In this case, you can change any information, even the name on the account. Another difference Cafe4tune: contact friends, in addition to the general list are displayed in a tree - so you can see who is friends with whom.
Virtual election
Service aims to connect the boundaries of real life and online space, as it allows to make modern technology and means of communication. Currently in the "virtual election" to hold a referendum among members of different countries, put forward candidates. At the moment, there are countries whose leaders have been chosen on the site. Each leader has a personal page where anyone can ask his question.
In Cafe4tune there are a large number of recreational resources, games (chess, backgammon, card games, etc.), which They will be equipped with not only the direct components of the game, but also video and audio communication between participants. The developer plans to launch games for mobile phones, virtual clothes for 3D-avatars, and more.
Business Benefits
Cafe4tune provides effective and affordable business promotion tools: the possibility of presentation of goods and services, accommodation brand advertising (link to the advertiser's website), organizing online sales. Currently, a number of services stored in the startup phase.
Cafe4tune notable feature is that the site has been operating in 45 languages of the world, so advertisers do not have to worry about whether their audience speaks English. You can simply place an advertisement in the language of the country in which its target audience lives. There is a tool for creating virtual stores, art galleries and exhibition halls with the possibility of online sales. Virtual rooms combine customers as permanent visitors of shops, galleries and other objects, and can also be used in their own business projects.
from the makers of
«Cafe4tune became the first social networking site, registered in the US, with the current version of the beta + in Russian. For us is very important the CIS market, one of the social networks leaders in the development of today, and we want to surprise the Russian-speaking Internet users "Hybrid" product with a non-standard concept, different from the already well-known social networks ", - said Artashes Ikonomidis, CEO Cafe4tune.