Kitchen life hacking: natural dyes for eggs for Easter
Tips / / December 19, 2019
Before Easter, all the shelves are filled up with special dyes and labels for eggs. I do not like all this chemistry, and prefer to use these dyes for dyeing cloth only. Because even if I add in the water two times less than is written on the package, still manages to penetrate into the paint in some incomprehensible way. So I decided to look for natural solutions.
Yesterday I came across a bag with the words "natural dyes". It was found that this turmeric, but only cost it is 2.5 times higher than the same bag in 20 grams of turmeric, but only in the department of spices.
As a result, I decided to try turmeric, curry and paprika (and even henna, but it does not happen anything worthwhile). I have to say - turmeric colors are best! All that needs to be done - is added 20 g of turmeric (standard bag) in 1 L of water and boil eggs in the water in 10 minutes. That's only then it is better not to pour cold water, and pull them out with a slotted spoon and place on a plate to cool.
Paprika gave a very faint orange tint, so what's the point of it was not special. Unless you decide to cook eggs with onion skins, which gives a brown color, and add a little paprika. By the way, turmeric is also possible to add and then get several shades of brown, and maybe orange. The intensity of color depends on how fresh spice was in the package.
But lovers of something more non-standard can be cut out of napkins Easter motifs, separate two extra layer and paste them on the already-cooked eggs with the help of raw egg white. It turns out that something like decoupage Easter.