A new look at life balance: to grow or survive
Productivity A Life / / December 19, 2019
Often, when it comes to the balance of life, people mean by context-uniform distribution of time between our vital roles: employee, subordinate, boss, father, husband, son, friend... and this is certainly an important aspect of life balance. Therefore it is always necessary to maintain it and to know how to recover.
But today we look towards the balance of life, which many do not even know. The idea for this article was born during the run, when I listened to the book Steve Makkletchi "From the urgent to the important: the system for those who are tired of running in place». I can not say I understood the idea of the author's right - while jogging is not always easy - but the illustration with which I want to to beginI took from the book.
Taking out the trash as the purpose of life
Imagine a weekend, during which you repeatedly recalled the need to take out the trash, but it did not. And on Monday morning, at breakfast time, you suddenly hear the passing by your house garbage.
As in the habit of action movie, you jump from the spot, grab a bag of garbage and carries over the garbage truck under the cheerful hoot of municipal workers. Eventually you will have time to catch up with the car and throw it in the bag before she disappears around the corner.
You are well done! You coped with the task, you can cross one more thing on the list. The more you had to do it at the last moment. Heroic deed! Now until the end of the day you can be proud of yourself, you can enjoy freedom until the next garbage removal. And it always will be, because there is trash all the time. And this process will never end.
Many lives - it is an endless series of "chasing the garbage truck." To hand over the report to develop a media plan, write an article, to finish the object, pick up the child from school, make repairs... You can enumerate a long time. All this - the problem-the problem and work to address them can be called in one word - survival.
We are not talking about the fact that taking out the trash - no matter the case. Not. After all the garbage in the end will begin to stink and ruin our lives. The solution of some problems is quite an important issue for our well-being and happiness. But, doing only surviving, we begin to stagnate and do not feel satisfaction in their lives.
Investing in success
There is another kind of problems. They focused on our growth and an investment in the future success.
For example, I have happily lived without knowledge of the English language, but more and more confronted with the fact that a lot of good and useful information has not been translated into Russian or Ukrainian languages. With today's tasks I can handle, and without knowledge of English, but if I do not want to stagnate a place to grow into the asphalt, the daily schedule I should see the item "Study English. "
In the past, I did not have the goal to become a producing editor or author Layfhakera. I just wanted to share their knowledge, practices and experiences in the field of self-development, self-education and productivity. I hardly without this experience would be offered the post of editor. But even if they offered, I would not have coped.
But the balance between survival and growth, between problem solving and investment success is not only important for a brighter future. It is very important for the present.
If we are fixated on "taking out the trash," we can feel like a hero and experience the excitement, but because of a lack of balance, we will not know what a satisfying life and true happiness. Without this, we will quickly get tired, exhausted and burn out.
There comes a time when the "taking out the trash" is not giving us feel like a hero, and we can not understand why. After all, like coping, increase productivity, improve results. But "taking out the trash" - is not our goal. Man was created for continuous development and growth. And a simple little understanding here.
Problems with balance
Tasks, problems always have the time, visible and even tangible causal link between their failure and pain of our lives. They look like ugly, krasnozadyh baboons, which are worn around us and shouting. In this situation, the desire to sit them all of the cells naturally and almost irresistible.
Task-investments do not have deadlines, they have no apparent cause-and-effect relationship. How cute panda, they sit in a corner and quietly chewed his bamboo, no one touching and without attracting attention.
But if the monkey is still possible to sit on the cells, the problem-the problem will never end. They will always be. This infinite respawn. We will never be able to alter them.
That is why always failed and will fall type intentions: "This is an urgent sell the report and loans study of English "," let's deal with repairs apartments, and then - for its professional development - To work book "Marketing without a diploma"John Jantsch."
Never, remember, never free time becomes longer.
To solve the problem, you just have to choose the direction of development and hard to plan for his future. For a start will be enough of one. The solution is obvious, but not so easy to carry out as it seems.
Life does not give you so just take care of your growth. But remember: when will appear more urgent, threatening unpleasant consequences, do not give up and do not forget that the problem-the problem will never run out, they simply can not alter. Stand firmly on his.
Of course, you will have a good think about what time to choose for tasks investments. This should be a time when the likelihood that distract you, the smallest. Many opt for this early morning. But even after you learn 25 ways to wake up early and become lark, It is not an absolute guarantee that you no one and nothing disturbed.
The battle for growth, the battle for growth and success - it is an endless battle. And again, when you're fighting for time for task-investment, do not fight against the family and against friends and colleagues. Remember the balance, look for it consciously and be happy.