5 theories that help to become happier
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Elena Volodina
Head of the project "Ladies @ Mail. Ru ». Profile in Instagram - @joecooker.
Do not miss the "time windows open"
When recording to a manicure / doctor / the tax you are offering a window. With an hour to two, from two to six. I do not have time to quickly find - and the window literally closed. We have to choose a new interval.
Life - a series of windows, only the start of recording is often not reported. You need to focus on the go.
You will have time to jump into the last car of the train or not depends on whether you will be able to see him on the platform - and even from the decision-making speed.
Who are you: the one who loves to think and look at all the options, or the one who acts with lightning speed? Who prefer to "sleep" idea or decide here and now? Of course, much depends on the situation. For example, if you are looking for an apartment to rent and met an option that you like, it is better to agree immediately, but do not take a couple of days to think. Good options quickly dismantled.
It is believed that the rate of decision making It comes with age and experience. What is called "intuition." A truly effective and happy are the people who do not plan hard every second of his life, and are able to see opportunities instead and enjoy them. To give up unnecessary time and say "yes."
The wealth of choice at first glance seems to be an advantage. When we are together trying to find the best good, we spend time, effort and nerves. And we miss the chance. The ideal variant is still not the case, either choice is subjective. Take the first thing like it, and be happy!
Use the "zero kilometer theory"
The term, which came from the farming and means selling and buying food near the place where they are grown. Initially, there are a lot of environmental sense: at least, is the optimization of the logistics, saving on gasoline and contribute to the preservation of the environment.
Theory of zero kilometer can be applied more widely, extending to everyday life. Live where you work, work where you live.
This spring, I moved closer to the office, for this was to hand over my apartment in Khimki, pay extra and take apartments close to work. I started to save on the road for 3-4 hours a day, 10 000 and 60 additional hours per month.
Living in the heart opens more opportunities for you, you become more accessible for meetings, often can selected in the parks and walk along the beautiful places, you're mobile. And yet it is less stress, because it is not necessary every day to ride the subway or train. Paradise for an introvert!
More I will not go for a manicure at the other end of the city, even if there are a thousand rubles cheaper, and all of its routes were built in "chronological" order - about the same as the plan to work courier. Well, so be it - for a haircut to his master, I'll still ride on Prospekt Mira, but it is an exception! The case when the person is more important than distance.
Use the "effect of the pie"
How much money do you need for happiness? On this question I want to answer seven figures. But the truth is that we do a happy little things. I call it "the effect of the pie."
For example, in the evening when I get home on the train, tired and hungry, I bought at the station pie with potatoes for 49 rubles. And the path became easier and happier home. I can dine in the cafe, even if the wait for the cutlets in the fridge: it's better than to endure another hour and end the day exhausted, angry and unhappy (and when I'm hungry, I am very angry!).
Everyone has a "pie" and his reasons for happiness.
Price and value - two different things. Sometimes spend 300 rubles by taxi is priceless, if the alternative - to stand for half an hour at the thirty-degree frost waiting for the bus, which is not known when to come.
"Pie" - is to come to work an hour early to buy coffee with coconut syrup and to walk a subway station. It buckthorn tea "Swallow" to Vladimir, it's the music in the headphones, the decision not to hire the container with food, not cook in the evening and dine like a normal person in a simple dining room. To be happy, you need not be a millionaire. You need time to carry out their small desires.
Get rid of "Syndrome Society of clean plates"
Leave food on the plate is not good, the bread must not be discarded, you will have little - do not grow up. We are brought up on these machines, and now it is difficult to act otherwise. In fact, we do not help the starving children in Africa, if we force ourselves to eat up, - but earn problems with appetite, digestion and overweight.
Even to many adults do not immediately reach the simple truth: if we leave food on the plate, nothing terrible will happen. No need to continue to eat tasteless salad or cram a prodigious risotto because it is a pity to leave.
"Sorry to leave" - this is not a guide to action.
The ability to say "no" - one of the most valuable on the way to happiness. clean plates Syndrome Society - not only about food. It's generally about the ability to give up and throw. Sometimes it is important to say "no" to the hated work, a man or a new task, for which you have already been undertaken, but then I realized that it is not you pull. The world will not collapse, but you'll save time and effort.
I threw a theater course and went to the middle class, because I believe that the teacher should not humiliate students. Not pedagogically. I closed the confectionery business, which was once a dream, because at some point this dream stopped making me happy. Life is one, human resources are not infinite, it is necessary to choose what to spend.
Resist the "effect of the autopilot"
How often have you left the clinic in blue shoe covers? And "open" key turnstile in the subway? A was administered on the intercom PIN-code on a credit card? This is all the effect of the investigation of the autopilot and the loss of awareness. Unfortunately, simply leave the situation will not solve this complex problem.
Autopilot, on the one hand, helps to cope with the daily routine, to do bad things quickly and quietly to himself. On the other - it makes life a gray porridge when one day is like another.
Groundhog Day, unfortunately, not only the title of the film, it is a harsh reality.
The most simple ways to begin to deal with the autopilot in his mind - to change the routes to work on meeting to sit down to a new location, to experiment with breakfast and not to order the same thing in restaurants. For more advanced - to consciously breathe and meditate.
Be aware - it is to be attentive to detail, notice the beauty of the surrounding world, to appreciate what I have now. Do you know what distinguishes lucky people from the losers? Observation! So be aware - not just to be happy. There is a nice bonus - you're lucky!
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