20 games in the fresh air for the whole family
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Summer - the time of non-stop fun. The main advantage of this time of year: in order to have a good fun, just to go out. We all have courtyard or summer cottage, and more and is not necessary. Here, too, you can have a great time and to arrange for their own and neighbors' children a real holiday. We just need to have the pair of relatively straight arms and reserve enthusiasm.
1. street twister
Cool same, right? You determine the size of the playing field and the amount of colored circles, depending on the age of the participants. To the children it was more convenient, circles can be made smaller. Preparing all this is simple: on the pavement is easiest to draw with crayons (not to get your hands dirty, just mark the contours of the circles, and not paint over them completely). If you are willing to risk a lawn, on sale there are water-based paints that wash off in the rain. Draw circles of the same size will help a cardboard box in the bottom of which cut a corresponding hole.
2. Sleight of hand
Understandable without translation step by step master class will in no time to prepare all that is necessary. The rules are simple: the players in turn pull the sticks, trying to make it so that all the balls remain in place. The winner is the one who in the end will be typed less fallen balls. Inventory can be found at home or at the hardware store, the benefit is worth all that cheap. Sticks can take the bamboo, they are also often used as a support for flowers.
3. Falling tower
It's all too clear: one by one remove the wedges, one tower collapses, and he lost. Actually, the game only wedges and need. Est length - 25 cm, total amount - 48 pieces. At the hardware store buying a fairly thick boards, sawing and oshkurivaete, and then there are options: You can leave them in their original form, and can be painted (only the ends of the whole or any paint patterns).
4. tarpaulin bouncers
The game requires a firm hand and uncommon accuracy and for its preparation needed just a piece of canvas and colored tape. The tarpaulin slotted openings of varying shapes and sizes (the smaller, the more interesting), their edges colored paste tape and each hole assign their value in points. The one who throws 10 pick up maximum points.
5. Dialed ring
Make a stand for the rings themselves, or just use what is around, even if only a tree branch. Remember that the farther from the goal of the player stands, the more interesting.
6. Racing on a sloping
For this game need Noodles - sticks for swimming and water aerobics. they are sold in sporting goods stores. Buy a stick and carefully cut along. Completely separate the halves from each other is not necessary, it is sufficient that they are revealed in the manner of a book. Then, even more carefully cut through each half of the longitudinal grooves. Check mark the start line and the finish line - the track is ready! Riding on it are like toy cars of the appropriate size, and just marbles.
7. Treasure Hunt
Unfortunately, today, children spend little time outdoors, but this game will fix the matter. Draw up a list of treasures that players will need to collect. Cones, different kinds of flowers, leaves, twigs unusual shape, something round, triangular or square, objects of red, green or yellow. These lists are printed and pasted on paper bags and packages are giving trackers. The winner is the one who first collected all the items from the list.
8. accurate throw
With the help of a drill and screws attach a couple of buckets of different sizes to a long board and put it vertically (you can simply leaning against a wall). For hitting a ball in each of the buckets is charged a certain amount of points. The lower the bucket, the more points.
9. obstacle course
Here is where you can let your imagination run wild! Used to create a full obstacle course can be everything podvernotsya arm: old tires, ladders, ropes, buckets... Children have fun while you relax while waiting for them to finish with stopwatch.
10. bottle bowling
Great game for children and adults. Of the required 10 plastic bottles, paint and a tennis ball. Color bottles and ball (make it look exactly like the present), let them dry thoroughly. Then fill the bottle with water - bowling pins ready.
11. Stick to business
Here Noodles needed again. With their help, the children have to throw as many as possible balloons in a plastic basket. Easy, but quite fun.
12. Noughts and crosses
Unlike the usual paper version, a street version provides much greater freedom in the choice of equipment. You can take the pebble or wooden plates and paint them, and you can do any of the materials at hand.
13. cane Olympics
And again, Noodles. The main advantage of these things - they can do anything. Although the bend, at least to displace the ring - they will survive any appeal. For the construction of sports facilities improvised best material is not found.
14. Accurate throw 2.0
An improved version of the game. Throw balls in the cans, which by means of a chain secured to the branch. The rules are the same: for getting into each jar is given a certain number of points, the highest pick up - the fellow. Banks are shaken, so hit the target it is not so simple.
15. tug of war
Familiar game becomes much more interesting if the participants are not on earth, but in inverted milk crates or stumps. Here you need to show not only the strength but also a hefty agility.
16. ice wealth
The heat will cause the children a complete delight. Ice water in a large tank with toys, and small things. This should be done in layers to the treasure did not drop to the bottom. Give the kids a hammer and screwdriver - they will do in the next half hour.
17. Darts with balloons
The name speaks for itself. Inflate balloons and tape or a stapler, attach them to the board. A lot of noise and even more fun.
18. outdoor games
The rules are the same as in traditional nastolki, only instead of action figures people here, and the cube more. His way, you can turn an ordinary box, colored paper pasted. Raschertite chalk path you want to take, and put all the necessary labels: a step back, two steps forward, return to the start.
19. Accurate throw 3.0
More complicated, more interesting. In place of the buckets and the banks comes a stepladder. The other conditions are the same: each step is assigned a value of glasses, dial need as much as possible. The ball is not suitable, so sew a small bag and fill it with beans, rice or buckwheat. To save time, it will fit even an old sock.
20. Playing with light
When it gets dark, it is not the reason to go home. Neon sticks, which are sold in the departments of festive goods, will help extend the fun. Attach them to the edge vedorok or cans, so you and your children can play even late at night.
And in the summer you are playing with your kids? Please send us your stories in the comments.