You never know what surprises will present you your life. Therefore it is necessary be ready for anything. We present our post Boris Zak - a lover of travel, trail running and jogging as a whole (which, incidentally, has already told us about his participation in a German marathon WiBoLT). Today, Boris tells about the 10 ways to start a fire. Some of them will seem useful, while some might be surprised. :)
A bit of theory. What is fire?
Fire is the main phase of the combustion process, which is accompanied by evolution of heat and light. Ignition can occur for various reasons: heating, chemical reaction, the impact of electricity.
So, we need kindling fire flammable materials, oxygen and heat.
Method 1. Kindle fire with a condom
Condom truly unique thing, I think, that all the travelers have long appreciated that a multi-purpose item. So, take a transparent condom and fill it with water.
We use it as a lens, focusing the beam to a pre-prepared dry grass or paper, a little patience, and now there is smoke.
Method 2. Cans of Pepsi
The bottom of the polish banks and use as a reflector. The beam direct to paper or dry grass.
Method 3. Photo Frame and food film
Take a photo frame and wrap it with cling film.
We put a frame on a stand, and pour the water.
All installation is ready for kindling fire.
Method 4. Steel wool and mobile phone battery
Steel wool - it is very plexus of a thin steel fibers, in appearance resembles conventional cotton wool from the pharmacy. Sheer steel consists of 98% iron and 2% of carbon, the proportions can vary depending on the type of steel. Preparing a "nest" of dry leaves and grass, put cotton wool in it and spend several times the battery contacts on the wool.
Method 5. Battery and foil from gum
Cut the strip of foil, folded in half and sharpen scissors folding seat.
We put the ends of the strips to the poles of the battery, and the main thing - it does not burn your fingers.
The same manipulation, but more clearly presented in the video.
Method 6. Interesting, but expensive way to light a fire with the help of the IKEA catalog
Method 7. Ice
This method requires patience. You'll not only divorce fire, but also get warm. Take a piece of ice and flick knife attach it the shape of the lens. Then polish the surface of the lens by hand.
But what about the Kindle Fire lens - every child knows.
Method 8. Chemical reaction
Sodium - silvery white metal, plastic, even soft (easily cut with a knife), a fresh sodium slice shines in air and easily oxidized to sodium oxide. For protection against oxygen in the air, metal sodium is stored under the kerosene layer.
Sodium reacts with water very rapidly: Sodium piece placed in a water float due released Heat melts, turning into a white ball, which is moving rapidly in different directions on the surface water; the reaction proceeds with the liberation of hydrogen, which may ignite. This experiment is also called "dancing flames".
Method 9. Flint
With Flint strike sparks. The tool is compact, lightweight, and can be used in any weather. On the Internet you can find a large assortment of flint. Which of them you will gain - does not matter, the main thing - to learn how to use this gadget.
A spark is easy, we just have to prepare a good tinder. To do this, use a dry, flammable material.
Method 10. Fire Piston
The pneumatic lighter was invented somewhere in 1770. It works on the same principle as that of a diesel engine. If strong compression cylinder is in the air is heated to a temperature above 300 ° C, resulting in a fire located at the end of the piston tinder.
In order to achieve a high temperature, it needs a strong blow.