How to remove a tattoo: 10, popular methods and their effectiveness
A Life / / December 19, 2019
On the Internet a lot of tips on how to remove permanent makeup eyebrows, lips, or an artistic tattoo on any part of the body. Which ones really work and which ones are useless or can harm - says dermatologist.
Tatiana Kleiman
The head physician of the center "Successful people", a dermatologist, cosmetologist.
1. Salt
Salt is often recommended as a means of removing the fresh tattoo. Use it is assumed as a scrub, rubbing the tattoo place.
Tatiana KleimanSalt irritates the skin and loosens, it hypertonic solution draws fluid out of the skin, and may partially removing pigment, but to bring it fully yet no one could. Cons: long-term healing, scarring and the subsequent risk of infection, redness and swelling.
2. bath
It is believed that if you made an unsuccessful tattoo, hike in the bath, and sweating, and save the tattoo disappears. The logic is simple: if the master forbids bath immediately after the procedure, then, acting on the contrary, you can get rid of the drawing.
Tatiana KleimanBath prohibit primarily because thermal treatments stimulate lymph flow and increase blood circulation. Tattoo will remain, but the distinct tissue edema, which would violate the vital functions of skin cells, can hold up to a month.
3. permanganic acid
Users are recommended to remove the tattoo potassium permanganate. But immediately warned that this would remain scars and scabs.
Tatiana KleimanDangerous way! Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidant. It burns the skin. As a result, we get a chemical burn to the risk of scarring and hyperpigmentation.
4. Iodine
It is believed that if the five percent iodine lubricated tattooThen they gradually discolored.
Tatiana KleimanIodine can give some clarification of the pigment, but complete removal does not work, because the pigment occurs in the dermis, and the iodine we put on the skin surface, where it evaporates easily. I suppose that soon there will be willing to introduce iodine into the skin, but in this case the chemical burn and scar you provided.
5. Hydrogen peroxide
Advisers say that if you wipe the tattoo trohprotsentnoy hydrogen peroxide, it will discolor over time.
Tatiana KleimanHydrogen peroxide has a disinfecting effect and disintegrant but are not able to deduce the pigment. Harmless way, but also useless.
6. The solid pigment
Many people recommend the tattoo put on another tattoo, but a flesh-colored. Experts warned in advance that tattoo on sensitive portions with a large area and thus can not be removed.
Tatiana KleimanThis method is effective enough, but you need to be aware that after a while and the solid pigment changes its color. Then the question arises about how to remove an already complex combination of pigment.
7. Cold
Cryosurgery. Ink burned with liquid nitrogen. The skin blisters, which go in and out and a quantity of pigment.
Tatiana KleimanEffective, but very traumatic method. There are risks of scarring and hypopigmentation.
8. electrocautery
Members warn that the procedure is quite painful and require local anesthesia. At the site of the tattoo is first formed a scab, which goes for 7-10 days, but the scar will remain and will require a long recovery period.
Tatiana KleimanThe pigment in this case, is crushed by an electric discharge, but he remains in the skin. painful and ineffective method.
9. Laser
The most expensive and advertised method of treatment. During the procedure, a laser flash lighten the tattoo. Used in conjunction with a cooling anesthetic.
Tatiana KleimanEffective but painful method. The disadvantage of laser is that it removes the bright pigments with difficulty.
10. Remuver
Remuver - Special lightening fluid, which is used as an adjustment mikrobleydinga and tattooing, and to remove the tattoo art. First, it is introduced as the pigment into the skin, and then it is treated a certain composition place to anchor effect.
Tatiana KleimanNow a lot of offers on remuverov market, some are good for removal of organic pigments, the other - for inorganic, and others working with people and with others. Certainly an effective method. However, you need to follow the recommendations and apply remuver home for a long time.