28 things which you need to get rid of during the harvest
A Life / / December 19, 2019
How to tell if a thing can really throw? Use the Japanese practice of kaizen. Take the subject in hand and answer four questions:
- How much do I need this item?
- Do I need this thing here?
- How often do I use it?
- When I took him in hand for the last time?
If the thing you do not come in handy during the last six months, safely dispose of it.
Young Japanese writer, author of the bestseller "magic cleaning"Marie condo board to do it the most eco-friendly. Talk with the thing, thank her for her service, recognize her achievements and say goodbye. According to Marie, a good thing, if makes the heart beat faster.
So that it can be thrown during the harvest?
1. old documents
It checks, warranty cards, receipts, certificates, recipes, instructions for household appliances and so on. Many keep their "just fire" - and suddenly useful. If securities accurately expired shelf life (out of warranty, passed all payment deadlines), feel free to throw away.
Often, old documents are stored on the desk, in the folders. Not to the paper that really need
clutter workplace, use small wall organizers. They are difficult to hoard stuff: they are always in sight.2. Magazines and newspapers
Magazines and newspapers, as well as booklets, posters, concert tickets, business cards, postcards, pictures can be stored, if they are really dear to the heart and something for you mean. Need to add in a separate box. With the rest rasstantes: waste paper weighs decently, take up much space and is a dust collector.
Paper (including gloss) can be taken for recycling. Kill two birds with one stone: free the house from debris and get some money.
3. Books and manuals
With books it is very difficult to leave: from childhood we are told that they need to be protected. But if you have a few months did not open cupboard and prefer electronic media, change the rules.
Books can be sent to a public library or anti-café, put in a secondhand shop, fill up the shelves Bukkrossing, attach an ad - wishing certainly find many.
Take note📚
- 10 ways to leave nicely with old books
The same applies to books, all sorts of benefits and handouts received in courses and workshops. Audited, leave only what is really needed. For the rest there is an Internet.
4. Diaries and calendars
Last year's calendar with dogs, unused gift diaryThat you were given a couple of years ago - all this is not useful. Keep only what you need here and now.
5. boxes
Packing out of televisions, home appliances, shoes take up much space, and hoarding dust. If the boxes are empty - for example, to move the case - it is better to part with them. But if you still come up with a use for them and decided to put them in the dear letters, postcards, photos and other stuff to post.
Also, do not hoard gift bags, bows, ribbons, greeting cards, wrapping paper. Take them along with boxes for scrap.
6. Unwanted gifts and souvenirs
Vases and figurines, boxes and stands, empty frames and photo albums... Applications of these sweet things and was not found, and throw a pity. Or ashamed of donors - because they tried! If these items are not tested questions given in the beginning of the article, rasstantes with them. You do not want to throw out - sell.
Get rid of excess💰
- How to sell unwanted stuff?
7. Package with packages
Many of us in the kitchen kept the package, which added other packages. If you care about the environment, replace plastic collection of reusable shopping bags. This will free up space in the kitchen and will allow at least a little, but to save: you will no longer be during trips to the store to spend money on bags. And that has accumulated at home, it is better to hand over for recycling.
8. old Electronics
Headphones with whom you walked 10 years ago, the smart phone broken, the old keyboard and monitor, remote management of discarded TV, kettle with a broken lid... you just do not give a second life to these things. You can call the service centers and offer this stuff for parts or to attach free ad. If you fail - send for recycling.
Also, do not stint on the wires of unknown purpose, the installation disks, flash drives work with difficulty, covers of old gadgets and other accessories. Do not use - in the trash!
9. DVD and CD
Legacy of the past take up much space and will never be used. Digitize drives, which store records from the family archive, and transfer data to a USB flash drive or cloud. Outdated collection can throw or try to attach to those who still enjoys disc players.
10. Valuable, but unnecessary gadgets
You gave a waffle iron, a juicer or a double boiler, but you do not use them? Half of the box takes a food processor, you have not unpacked? It is waiting in the wings for beautiful curls hair iron? Do not wait, he will not come.
Sell these things online flea market or give away for free to those who need them. Immediately it becomes easier.
11. Fashion with flaws
Move to Trash scratched favorite shoes, a dress with a stain that does not properly clean, comfortable shoe with a broken heel is often not a hand rises. Yes, you sure will repair or to wash them and will wear again. But stop clinging to the past and move on without the cargo.
The same applies to clothing and shoes, not the right size or outmoded. Once you get rid of old, will be an occasion to buy something brand new. And it is always nice.
Do not store unnecessary👚👖
- What to do with unwanted clothes, if you do not want to throw away
12. Prom Dress
Yes, it's very beautiful. But with a probability of 99% you will not wear it anymore. The same is true wedding dress - why do you keep it? In case you get married again?
Sell orders for the online flea market or Build out in dresses hire - let them delight and others.
13. Dishes, which do not use
In order to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at home, fairly modest set crockery. Often, however, our cabinets crammed with variegated plates and mugs (including souvenir), grandmother sets, napkin holders and sockets for jam jars and cups ...
Keep only what you need for you personally and for receiving guests. With the rest rasstantes.
14. glass jars
Collection jars are usually waiting for the moment when you suddenly decide to do pickling cucumbers or tighten lecho. Send your glass breakage. When you want to make stocks for the winter, and then buy the right amount of glass.
15. Old rags and sponges
Sponges for washing dishes should be changed as often as possible - at least once in two weeks. A rags to the kitchen and do not necessary to store: it is a hotbed of germs and source of odor. Used - throw away.
16. Drugs and cosmetics with expiring shelf life
How long have you checked Do not expired mascara or lipstick, bought a couple of years ago on sale? When we examined the medicine chest? Medicines and cosmetics have an expiry date, after which they can be harmful to health. So Get into the habit at least once every six months to sort out the medicine cabinet and cosmetic case.
17. unopened perfume
Found on the shelf unopened box of expensive perfume? It's simple: do not use, so do not need. Give to those who love this particular flavor.
18. toys
Cute plush bunnies and bears, table games with lost "parts" - all this certainly takes a lot of space and accumulates dust. Keep only what pleases the heart and the rest send it to the trash.
19. Paintings and posters, which had no place
All that is not hanging on the wall, boldly giving, expose for sale, or to submit to the trash. Posters with flowers and landscapes, pictures with running horses and lions sitting - surely they're great, but personally, you do not need.
20. Old pillows, comforters, blankets
Bedding, which we use every day - piggy harmful bacteria and dust mites. They need to change at least once every two years, or else run the risk of waking up with a headache or become allergic.
21. Decorative pillows
One of the popular impulse buys. Lovely decorative pillows in the store look very attractive, but not the fact that they will fit into your home decor. In addition, this is another dust collector.
22. Sports equipment lying idle
Once you decide to do yoga and bought a special mat. Or have given myself to lose weight for three months and have purchased an exercise bike or stepper. But if sports equipment standing idle the past six months, get rid of it immediately.
23. tile or wallpaper remnants after repair
All this kept "just fire" takes place and the dust accumulates. Throw away without regret, materials shortages in the stores do not have today.
24. Discount cards, which do not use
Go through the card, which you probably have accumulated a lot, and leave only those that are needed on a regular basis. If possible - make digital copies and move into the smartphone.
25. Magnets with refrigerator
Fashion decorate fridge magnet is long gone, so perform an audit of your collection. But for those with whom they categorically do not want to leave, you can make an exception and move them to a special board.
26. old scarves
Knitted accessories that you do not wear, and can dissolve the tie. If you give them a second life do not want to, get rid: wardrobe you need to update.
27. Uncomfortable travel bags and suitcases
Travel Bag beautiful, but malovmestitelnaya? A suitcase weighs more than what you add to it? Do not keep them at home: it is unlikely you will want to spoil your trip.
28. Hangers from the store
Free wire or plastic hangers that you have got together with the thing, it is better to throw away. They are not intended for long-term storage: thin plastic and wire bend and deform clothes.
By this link you can find out where in your area accept for recycling scrap: paper, glass, plastic, metal, clothing, batteries, home appliances and so on.
see also💦🧤
- cleaning schedule that will not forget what
- 12 ways to motivate yourself to clean
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