25 brilliant life hacking for cat lovers
Miscellaneous / / December 19, 2019
1. Draw a line in the middle of the box, and then draw a few more perpendicular to it every 10 cm (as pictured below). Along these lines, we will make the holes.
2. Along the lines draw holes - circles, staggered. But be careful with the circle in the center, do not forget that in the middle is the partition.
3. With a knife cut clerical circles that you drew. It must happen here:
4. Now you need to make a partition. To do this, measure the height and width of the box and cut a piece of cardboard from a respective wall. If cardboard is not strong enough take several identical strips and glue them together.
5. Draw a circle and cut another hole in the box, through which you push a toy inside.
Cat lying on its side or belly, or normal slow breathing. Paws freely extended. Tail or just lying, or slightly curled.
The tip of the tail shakes a little. Ears twitching. Intently looks and licks his lips. With a little excitement can quickly lick the paw.
If the cat is then firmly presses the tail to the body, and if necessary, it can dramatically waving it up and down. Pupils dilated, ears erect. Mustache directed forward.
Cats may show simultaneously two emotions: fear and aggression. Pupils dilated. The cat growls softly and tail makes the rotational movement. Ears strained, pressed to the head.