15 puzzles that are sure to stir up your brain
Recreation / / December 19, 2019
riddle 1
Why in the XVI century in Germany used these pieces of wood? They were in vogue, particularly in pubs. An important detail: it is not a stick with two angles, and the two are different.
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This kind of credit card. Nicks on borrowed product made simultaneously on both poles. One kept the buyer, the other - the seller. This excluded fraud. When the debt is paid off, the stick is destroyed.
Enigma 2
This problem is at the time revolutionized the theory of cryptography. You want to send your favorite parcel with a diamond necklace. In this case, the only way - to use the mail. Can be hung on the package any number of locks. Suppose open a lock without a key, no one can, as well as to open the package.
But you're not under any circumstances do not want to take risks and be sent by mail keys. How do you be absolutely sure that your pet will receive a gift and be able to open the package?
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Having received the parcel without a key, she will not be able to open it, but be able to close it at your castle and back. Having received the parcel with two locks, the man removes his castle and returns it to the girl. As a result, she received the diamonds, and the keys will not be sent.
riddle 3
You need every day to take two tablets - one of the bubble A and one of the bubble B. It is a matter of life and death. If you do not do - you will die. And if you take two tablets of one bubble - also die. One day he took a vial A single pill, you are too much in a bubble rocked, and you fall into his palm two tablets from it.
So, you have on hand are three absolutely identical tablets: one - from a vial A and two - from the bottle B. Outwardly, and they taste no different. Throw them away and get new ones, you can not - they are priceless. As you are not risking anything, take the medicine?
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Take another pill from the bottle A. Break four pills in half (halves carefully lay out in different directions). Drink four polutabletki. Leave the rest for another time.
riddle 4
Continue the sequence.
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Wonder of the World (first love, second wind ...).
riddle 5
You are invited to work as a financial analyst in the large company. Promise a salary of $ 100,000 a year, and two versions of it increase:
Once a year, you increase the salary of 15 000 dollars.
Every six months - $ 5 000.
You have ten seconds to make a decision. Which option you think is more profitable?
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With the first option is simple:
1st year - $ 100,000
2nd year - $ 115,000
3rd year - $ 130,000
4th year - $ 145 000 ...
The second option is more convenient to rely on half-year. The first six months - $ 50 000, and then every six months to this amount will be added for $ 5000:
1st year - $ 50,000 + $ 55,000 = $ 105,000
2nd year - $ 60,000 + $ 65,000 = $ 125,000
3rd year - $ 70,000 + $ 75,000 = $ 145,000
4th year - $ 80,000 + $ 85,000 = $ 165,000 ...
riddle 6
Every day at exactly 12:00 Moscow time from Moscow to Khabarovsk is sent to one train, and from Khabarovsk to Moscow - another. Travel time - seven days. If you went on one of these trains from Moscow, as oncoming train from Khabarovsk you meet along the way?
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13 trains (plus or minus two at both stations). Those who believe that the trains will be 7, forget about the preparations that are already on the road at the time of departure of the train from the observer.
riddle 7
Imagine that your money is invested in equities. Yesterday, the course of your shares fell 2%. Today, it rose by 2%. Did they change your capital, and if so, in what direction?
Your money is invested in other shares. Yesterday, their rate rose by 2%. Today it has fallen to 2%. Did they change your capital, and if so, in what direction?
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Rate dropped by 2%: 100 × 0,98 = 98. Rate rose to 2%: 98 × 1,02 = 99,96.
Rate rose to 2%: 100 × 1,02 = 102. Rate dropped by 2%: 102 × 0,98 = 99,96.
The loss in both cases.
riddle 8
The leadership of a famous museum has decided to find out which one of its most popular exhibits. On the study were allocated large sums of money. The task is difficult - a huge museum. But at the last moment, a simple free solution has been found. How would you have solved this problem? Without questioning, cameras and other things.
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You can just ask the cleaners - of the exhibit at the trodden stronger.
riddle 9
Blogger gets into purgatory with his favorite notebook. Angel, decide where to send it - in heaven or hell, notice that the keyboard from the constant use completely wiped out the key C (constant pressing Ctrl + C). And blogger offers a deal: he prints on the computer in English all the numbers in order (letters) - one, two, three, four... and as soon as any of the numbers, he clicks on the C - immediately goes to heaven.
Blogger is very fast - the longest any number he fills in ten seconds. It can operate indefinitely without break. A little thought, blogger agrees. After some time he gets to heaven?
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The first numeral in the English language, which will meet the letter C - octillion (Octillion). Ten to twenty-seventh degree.
Bloggers need 317 097 919 837 645 865 043 a year. Simply - 317 billion billion years. For comparison - the universe came less than 14 billion years ago.
riddle 10
It is believed that the first man to break the sound barrier of 14 October 1947. It made the American test pilot Chuck Yeager in an airplane Bell X-1. And what a thing made by man for a long time, first broke the sound barrier?
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Click whip occurs when breaking the sound barrier to them. Its tip has a top speed of over 1,100 km / h.
riddle 11
A director once argued with the director B that he will not be able to remove the finished product, where at the same time will be the exposition, climax, denouement and dramatic intrigue in the final length of 10 seconds. One plan, without a single circuit splice.
A director lost the argument. What exactly took director B?
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We are talking about Tonino Guerra. The scenario was as follows: "A woman watches TV. There is a translation of the launch of the spacecraft. As time is measured before the start: 10, 9, 8... - woman picks up the phone, turns the disc. At the very moment when the screen show the missile launch, she says into the phone: "He's gone ..." "
riddle 12
From the old infomercial of the British Army. Two ordinary, white and black, riding in a car in the mountains. Suddenly, a car runs into a mine. The explosion - and the car, tumbling, rolling down the slope. To crumpled car wireline lifeguard. He sees that the two soldiers covered with blood, but alive. white lies unconsciousAnd black groans and asks the rescuer to help him.
At one time the rescuer can pull upward with only one person (and then he is sure to go down for the second). Whom he zaboret first? And why?
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Of course, the color does not play any role. Other things being equal first save one who is in a serious condition - unconscious.
riddle 13
During World War II the allies are faced with a serious problem. The soldiers wrote letters home to hundreds of thousands. In these letters could be classified. Censor correspondence so many very difficult. Leave the soldiers without regard to the house can not. Find a simple solution.
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Just give the letter to "lie down" a couple of weeks. During this time, any military information has time to become obsolete.
riddle 14
In the Middle Ages in Europe were popular trials on animals. With the challenge to court and a lawyer.
40 years lasted litigation between the community of Saint-Julien and beetles. In Otenskom church district passed the high-profile trial against rats devour the harvest in most of Burgundy. Stelvio community filed a case against the moles and field mice. In Dijon judged horse that killed a man.
Authorities Bern sued the pest known as inger (hagfish European). Swiss Hur started proceedings against the blister flies. Residents Vilnoza sued caterpillars. In Basel, the old rooster tried for what he snoc egg. Brazilian sued Franciscans with ants. In Savigny it was a process against pigs ate the human ...
In some cases, a hearing was conducted church, and when it considered the secular court?
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In cases where the judgment could be given in the execution - beheaded cock execute a horse or a pig, - is busy with secular court.
All the rest - the church. In the event of a conviction, he anathema, e.g., ants and rats.
riddle 15
Once upon a time a failed marketing campaign in the Middle East. Everything seems to be done right, with clear pictures. The campaign failed. Why?
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In the Middle East, they read from right to left.
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