Roombots: Furniture-transformer future
Devices / / December 19, 2019
Does spontaneously move furniture, it's time to tie with methylene blue? And how to make a bed out of the closet in the blink of an eye without plucking beards Old Hottabych? Do not think I have not been released for the summer holidays from the institution with yellow walls. I'm fine, just I was very impressed with the idea of Swiss engineers working on a project to self-assemble and move furniture.
Researchers at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne embody the idea of modular reconfigurable furniture. "Building blocks" such furniture protrude robotic cubes, interconnecting through-hooks fasteners. Control assembly and movement of the modules is carried out with the plate by means of special software. A general principle of the prototype furniture-transformer is available in video reports of engineers.
The trio built-in motor unit gives it a 3D-freedom of movement. Coordination between the "bones" is performed by a wireless connection. battery charge lasts only for an hour the module.
Opportunities Roombots significantly expanded by the installation on the walls, floor and ceiling of the room with special mesh openings adapted for attachment to the module it its "claws". In principle, the perforated surface can be overlaid on top of existing furniture, and, expanding its capabilities and capacities.
A team of engineers sees a wide range of applications of its development: from interactive art object to the assistant in rescue and space missions. The main advantage of Roombots - a compact package with the possibility of rapid deployment under the required needs.
Hybrid furniture primarily be useful for people aged and people with disabilities - it will be much easier to move around in space or zoom in to his need items. I think in the long term Roombots management could be carried out and using voice commands.
In addition to the standard laziness of the average person, the furniture-transformer can solve the problem and quite ordinary — shortage of dwelling space. Just imagine the day Roombots going into a table and chairs, and in the evening transforms into a bed. Housewives will stop worrying about your house plants, pots because they shall be hidden in shadow as the sun moves across the sky.
And most importantly, it is usually nervous furniture assembly process can turn into an exciting game.
At the moment, researchers are faced with a number of technical difficulties, which are planned to overcome during the fifteenth. First of all it is necessary to significantly reduce the power consumption of modules, to give them strength and write code that is responsible for the correct and rapid assembly of furniture. While Roombots able to be converted into a simple form.
Finally, I tell a case that happened with my friend, yielding to rent an apartment. Once, she was lucky enough to cross a very "smartest" company. Guests felt that the height of the table is not in their size and half-sawed four legs. In such a situation occurred Roombots would be very handy. Although there is no such "inventors" nothing would help.
Did you enjoy the idea of Swiss researchers? What is the use of Roombots see you?