Thing of the day: technological blinders that will concentrate on the job
Devices / / December 19, 2019
Designers from the Japanese studio Future of Life, owned by Panasonic, have created a prototype device that useful employees of companies with open plan, where in the same room may be tens or hundreds of people.
According to his principle of a device like the blinders for horses or large collar tight flexible material. It will create a private work space in a noisy place and serve as a sign that a person is very busy and could not be disturbed.
Wear Space in the rest position reduces the horizontal field of view of approximately 60%, but the viewing angle can be adjusted - housing is compressed and stretched by the user.
Built-in Bluetooth-headset equipped with a noise reduction system, a person exactly on what not distracted. One charging via USB-port is enough for 20 hours of music or podcasts, if you do not like to sit in silence.
While represented by device is only available in the form of a concept, but Panasonic opened to raise funds for the Japanese kraudfandingovom site GreenFunding. If the campaign is successful, the Wear Space launch into mass production. It will cost about 250 dollars.