It has long been no secret that experiencing negative emotions are harmful not only to your health. The influence of evil spirits studied from all sides so far, and scientists find something new so far. Research conducted at the University of Amherst, Massachusetts, showed that the worse experience negative emotions right before bedtime.
Scientists were able to record the fact that the negative situation is processed much faster person, if, after the unpleasant stories he continues to stay awake. If, however, after suffering a negative person goes to sleep, its negative emotional response like "protected" by the brain. It turns out that you are hung up on the bad situation and experience it again and again, as in a nightmare.
Neuroscientists believe that the preservation of such negativity and experience it again preserved since ancient times, in which human life depended on his speed reaction and legs - a negative experience in life-threatening situations was experienced again and stored in memory so that people could avoid such situations in future.
But since we now live in a world which has changed significantly since then, go to bed with negative emotions rather harmful than useful. If you consider that the pace of life accelerated, stressful situation became much more and we have to bother due to the much larger number of less important things - the last thing we need - it's stress during Sleep.
So try to stay up with negative emotions, get rid of them as unnecessary junk. Listen to soft music before going to bed, read your favorite book or watch a nice movie. Better yet, take a walk before going to bed, or practice yoga.
You can try Shavasana or "Dead Pose" for total relaxation - a very interesting state, when you are on the thin line between sleep and wakefulness.
Lie on the floor on his back, arms at your sides, palms up.
Mentally relax, starting with your feet (toes relaxed, relaxed feet, calves relaxed, etc.), and so, gradually passing through all the organs and parts of the body, get to relax face and eyes. In this position you can lie within 10-15 minutes. After it there is a pleasant feeling of emptiness in the head, and the ease in the body;).
Try to avoid negativity at least before going to bed and do not argue with people you love. The similarity with the constantly barking dog and not so pleasant, especially when you yourself are aware of this. Nice music, pleasant smells and pleasant state before bedtime - to experience these emotions in the dream is much more pleasant than negativity. And you wake up refreshed and in good spirits, full of energy and ready for any situation.