The theme of feminism and gender relations lately is the extremely strong reaction. More and more people decided to change the operation of the exterior, and even replace the genitals themselves. So, you want to support women and to prove that now is not exactly a man. A new recipe will help to express women's independence, or at least hint at a strong half of mankind of almost forgotten obligation.
Designers from Barcelona offer a set for self-candy, which should become a small building block in strengthening feminism and freer relationship to the female body. Thoughts on the genitalia can now be visualized with the help of Vulvapop.
Vulvapop creators call their product a useful tool for drawing attention to the struggle for equality, as well as fun and erotic way to self-knowledge.
In the culture of more common phallic symbols, and for a long time promoted male superiority. But now men are sucking vulva-candy.
Vulvapop - this is an experiment, which is considered by its creators, will help women to become bolder in relation to your body.
The kit includes instruction for mixing bowl, wand, hypoallergenic alginate, caramel and mixtures thereof. To prepare the goodies you need to make a mold of the penis alginate, put his wand on top and pour the warmed caramel. In addition to candy, designers offer a version with chocolate.
The project is at the stage of research funding, on site there Vulvapop pre-order formTo which the desired taste, you can choose and find out the cost.