Player FM - excellent Android-application to listen to podcasts
Android / / December 19, 2019
Podcasting is rather ambiguous phenomenon, which sometimes causes diametrically opposed assessment. Some people do not understand it and do not take, others idolize and claim that podcasts soon will replace the radio. However, it is best to get acquainted with this phenomenon and to make up their own minds. And to do this, I recommend using a program Player FM.
Player FM - this program is for devices running Android, which will help you to fully immerse yourself in the world of podcasting. With it, you can not only find the most interesting channels and transmission, but also to listen to their comfort.
Immediately after starting the Player FM you will be prompted to specify the number of topics you are interested in to the program to select the appropriate channels. You can simply accept the automatic selection, or add your own interesting sources. You can do this by using the built-in search engine, and manually downloading the file to the OPML format or by entering a web address. The big advantage Player FM over its competitors is the fact that the application knows about the existence of a huge number of Russian-language podcasts, so you will definitely be a good choice.
All of its channels can be found on the tab "Subscriptions". They can be displayed in the form of tiles or a list, in which case you will see a play button, with which you can start listening to the selected gear. If you hold your finger on the button for a longer time, this issue will be added to the list of "Listen to later." It's your personal playlist, all elements of which are automatically downloaded when you are connected to Wi-Fi and played one after another. To manage this list is the third tab of the main program window.
To access the advanced features of the program you will need to pull the left-hand menu bar. Here you can switch in the boot mode, view the history plays, open the settings window. Options in the Player FM is really a lot, so you can easily customize the look and behavior of the program according to their own tastes. By the way, pay attention to the possibility of creating an account. It helps you sync your subscriptions and settings with no problems using the application on different devices.
Appendix Player FM is, in my opinion, one of the best programs to listen to podcasts. It offers a selection of more than 50,000 channels on various topics, has a comfortable, modern interface that contains all the features you need and is completely free. Therefore, regardless of whether you start listening to podcasts, or have long passionate about this business, be sure to pay attention to the Player FM.
Price: Free