Tricks of the big Office-as: fast scheduling Affairs
Productivity Vindovs / / December 19, 2019
How many of you, for sure, I have to spend a lot of time working with Microsoft Office. However, I will not hait product, I more inclined to sing his praises, because the alternative for me is not there. I know the possible objections and suggestions, and I can assure you, many of them I tried.
Is not the case, the fact is that today I want to share my personal experience of how to use the product more efficiently. While insisting that the recipe will help you, I will not. Just point out a few facts.
fact number one. I prefer to see the planning and weekly calendar and to-do list, or even - a detailed calendar for the day, at the same time. Part of the problem solves the task bar at the bottom of the calendar, but it's not quite: there is no way to customize the appearance, grouping, etc.
However, he who seeks will always find:
Yes, it's just two of the Outlook window that stacked "Mosaic" vertically. And, no, I did not use any additional software. If you have forgotten how to do this on Windows, I remind you: it is enough to click on the taskbar at all interested in the windows with Ctrl, then right-click context menu and select the desired command. Just? Yes surprised myself. But it works fine.
Now you can either drag the task in the bottom of the right window at the right day to simply and visually schedule a task just for the day, or not at all to drag it directly to the calendar, thereby reserving time its execution. This, I suggest be done with caution, as to appoint the hours and minutes for a specific task is false in general.
For this fact will follow next. I'll be glad your suggestions and comments.