7 Steps to prepare a short speech
Motivation Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
There are many instances where a person is very qualitatively doing his job, but it absolutely can not be present. For the presentation you need to prepare. And there are thousands of tips on how to prepare for the great speech before a large audience. But it is much more likely to have to speak in front of small groups with a speech for 2-5 minutes. And usually it has to utter such speech is absolutely unexpected. About what to do in such cases, read the article.
1. Remove all unnecessary
Do not try to cram everything you want to say in a short time frame. Instead of increasing the duration of the speech, change your speech. If you have five minutes of time, so you should not be more than three main points.
Hint: If your performance is greater than this article, it is too long.
2. Plan and rehearse
Plan and rehearse. Whether you have five days or 30 seconds. You may be surprised. And then your plan should consist of a presentation of the three main points. The perfect moment to do this - this is when someone tries to draw the attention of the audience and represents you. Ideally, of course, it is better to plan everything you want to say. And rewrite it over and over again. Until you get the best result. And do not forget to rehearse in front of people.
Hint: Do not fall into the trap of thinking that short performances do not require training. In fact, a short speech can be much more complicated than a long speech.
3. Brevity is the soul of wit
I think that over the history of the world no one has ever said, "I would like to see this performance lasted longer." So watch out for the time, and in any case, do not be distracted from the topic. You may not have time to bring the essence of the highlights. To do this, you will have the opportunity, when you answer questions from the audience. Or you can send a note to participants working on the performance.
Hint: Take the time allotted to you for speeches and rehearsing, subtract the 20%.
4. Emphasizes the important points
Five-minute speech can be divided into intervals of one minute. In these intervals you read all of the main aspects of your performance. First minute you can take in order to introduce themselves and tell the audience about what will be discussed in your speech. Later you can use to summarize your presentation. Thus, you will have 60 seconds for each of the three main points of your speech.
Hint: Use verbal cues to direct the audience in the right direction. Phrases that seem obvious when writing the text, can be much more useful than the spoken voice: "That was the first point, and now we talk about the second."
5. Do not just say it. Show me!
Speaking to an audience, I love that I have at hand was a clear material that can show the audience. For example, a couple of photos or something, on what the viewer can focus your eyes. Think about the difference between being just say: "Yesterday we signed an important contract," - and in order to take pen in hand and say, "Yesterday, we made history, when using this control's signed a contract for five years old". Or simply pick up a cup of coffee and to propose a toast, rather than just make an announcement. Although it may seem a bit trite, but it certainly will be memorable.
Hint: If you are using props in his speech, try to do it at the very beginning of your speech. This does not distract the attention of the viewer's thoughts on why you're holding a teddy bear or a vacuum cleaner.
6. Insert your soul
You do not need to bare his soul to the audience. But in almost every speech, it has the opportunity to connect with the audience on a personal level. Do not be afraid to let your emotions get in your vote, if appropriate in a given situation. If the news is good, you say you're happy and proud. If you need to share something sad or something that leads you into a frenzy, your voice tone and words will match this news.
Hint: a few short words will be sufficient for an emotional connection with the audience. Just say honestly something like: "As for me personally, I'm incredibly proud of this group ..." or "I can not tell you how we will overcome it, but I will say with confidence that we do find exit". Depending on the circumstances, these short phrases may be quite sufficient.
7. Speak!
All your preparation, handling, reducing the text and all the efforts made to improve your performance, will come to nothing if the audience can not hear you. If you have good audio equipment, use it. If not, then start your presentation by asking whether your voice is heard well the public. Little trick: ask people to raise their hands if they can hear you well. If, however, you will find that many of them have not raised hand, you immediately understand the existence of the problem to be solved.