4 self-management principles that help achieve the goals
Motivation / / December 19, 2019
We talk about the basics of self-management and share four key principles that help to consciously control life.
The science of self-management is designed to simplify the process of our development, and personal growth, regardless of what goals we set for ourselves: to stop smoking, get a promotion or start to run on morning. It is based on a set of principles, understanding and application of which will inevitably improve the quality of your life.
What is self-management?
CiceroMan must learn to submit himself and obey their decisions.
Self-management is the use of key management functions (planning, organization, motivation, control, coordination) for the conscious control of their lives.
In our life, these principles have the following embodiment:
- Planning - search mission, vision of the future, setting long-term goals and targets, as well as development plans and objectives for the next time.
- Organization - work with the vital resources: time, finances, status, and the formation of the environment, the search for partners, friends, and mentors.
- Motivation - exercise their willpower and force the formation pushes the action for further work.
- Control - setting the standards and principles of its vital position to assess the achievements and successes.
- Coordination - getting feedback from those around us, and constant adjustment of their plans, attitude and motivation sources.
On each of these areas are written dozens of books, but only if the key principles of their interaction can achieve impressive results.
So what are the four key principles of self-management?
1. System Principles
Albert EinsteinAmong the clutter find simplicity of contention among find harmony.
The cornerstone of vital reforms concluded in a systematic approach to change. Only by acting step by step, you can be sure the end result is 100%. Self-management can be represented as a circle, each element of which is a step towards the implementation of the next stage.
If you set a large goal, then be engaged in their environment and resources. Done with this? Go to motivation. Trained enough will power? Raise their standards and evaluate progress.
Action sequences, and you nothing will stop.
2. The principle of small steps
ConfuciusJourney of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
This principle calls for applying the minimum, but the constant effort to achieve this goal.
Suppose you decide to start jogging. If you just raise the bar high and decide to run 10 kilometers each day, then quickly give up. That development happens all the time, it must be progressive.
Put task to run every morning for 10 minutes. And every day at the same time. If you manage to do in this mode a week, then soon you will feel the results, because your will get stronger due to the small success that you have achieved. After that we can increase the load.
Your goal should always be greater than the daily results. As soon as you take your little work as brick ultimate success, the fear will disappear before the ambitious goals.
3. The principle of internal targets
No matter what task you set for yourself, you need to understand the reasons behind your inner motivation is based.
A person who quits smoking, experiencing incredible joy at the final disposal of their bad habits, not only because of what has become a champion of a healthy lifestyle. He became more confident in their abilities and more attractive in the eyes of others.
With the goal, should be based on what kind of desire lies in its basis. If you really set a goal to quit smoking, first ask yourself why you have decided to achieve this goal. The underlying reason is always only one of the two bases: avoid suffering or receiving an award.
You want to get rid of a bad habit to stop feeling imperfect? Or to make a positive impression, feeling better?
When you identify and formulate an internal goal, it is very easy to choose the right first step. You will find new sources of achieving it, until you feel confident.
Ask yourself: "What do I really want?".
4. The principle of an inert
Paulo CoelhoIf you develop one thing, it changes and everything that is around.
Do not set a too ambitious goals. Always start with the fact that your main mission is to self development. Cease to suffer from unbearable desire to earn the coveted one million rubles and just start working on them. In any field.
Read more, take a trip, learn a new language, communicate with successful people. In the desire to develop your every action will be aimed at achieving success.
Work with habits, emotions and relationships, and professional development will be inert reflection of your success.
In your goal the main thing - the desire to become a better version of yourself.
What do we have to do?
- Develop a systematic and be careful on what steps need to work harder.
- Take a little action today and do it regularly until you get stronger willpower. Read five pages a day, 10 minutes of running, tell someone, "I love you."
- Your goal is more important than just a desire. Ask yourself: "What do I really want?".
- Your small victory today - it's your professional and personal success tomorrow. Winning attracts victory, success attracts success. In any field.