All questioned. Buddha
We are all dependent on their mobile devices. In the parks, museums, walking, driving, before going to bed, in the company of friends we drown in gadgets with no chance for a normal life. We talk on the phone, we look at social media news feeds, we sorfim infinite number of sites, forgetting about normal life.
Chief editor Layfhakera Thank Baranskii published a book-cry from the heart "Doubt». It's about our life in the XXI century.
We chose seven tips that will help get rid of mobile slavery.
1. Play the "phone towers"
To release the phone from the slavery in the company of friends, you can use a game called "phone towers." Its essence is that everyone put their phones in a pile - one on the other - for the duration of sittings. The first, and who will not be able to hold wants to go and see what it happens in the phone, pay the total bill for all the participants. If no one will touch your phone, then the expense is divided between all the usual manner adopted in your company.
2. Install Modes "nebespokoystva"
Our phones have features that allow you to take a break from them. For example, there is a mode in the iPhone, "Do not disturb". For the caller it looks as if you instantly call slugger. He will not be able to disturb you. If you are fans of Android, you can install on your phone any of the "nebespokoyaschih" applications - Llama, Tasker, or Agent. For example, in the latter is a function of Sleep Agent, which automatically mutes the sound of the phone at specified times and days.
3. Remove friends from Facebook
This is a fairly radical solution, but it will save you a lot of time. And that's why. First of all, you no longer pour irrelevant information, and you will not need to clutter up your brain all the posts of people who have something to do with you. Secondly, you will no longer be added to the group on the uninteresting pages, games, applications, events. Third, you no one will ever be able to add as a friend. If you remove all the friends, and then configured to include "Allow friend requests from friends of friends only", that will work magic, and nobody will be able to send you a request. And finally, you are no longer influenced by the fact that like friends - you choose your content yourself.
4. Make revision "VKontakte"
We are not talking about the complete removal of the social networks. We're talking about their meaningful use. Correspond with you dear people, listen to free music, watch movies, publish meaningful posts and photos from his personal life. But stop reading these senseless Public about inspiration, great people, wise quote. You want a quote? Buy the book "Speeches that Changed the World." You want inspiration? Read Remarque or memoirs athletes, businessmen, religious leaders and politicians. You want beauty? Buy a ticket and take a trip for 200-300 km from the city, go to the forest or in the field. It is very beautiful. Do not trust people "second-rate" the mind of the great broadcast. Use direct access to their wisdom through books and movies. Put yourself above it.
5. Change phone number
Many people on the proposal to change the phone number to respond with genuine incomprehension: "All of a sudden someone wants me to have something to offer and can not find it?".
Let's be honest with you: if you really need someone, you will certainly find. Especially in the age of Google and "VKontakte» / Facebook hope that you one does not find, - holy simplicity. When you get a new phone number from your carrier to let his parents and grandparents. Share it with your friends. Tell people you have entrusted your number, the rules of telephone communication with you: convenient time of the call, your right to "non-response" and "neperezvanivanie". With colleagues agree to communicate only during working hours and at other times to use email.
6. Unsubscribe from unnecessary news
Why do you communicate with brands on social networks and through the mail? This happens when you sign up from the "beer" news, "chocolate" or "snack with vodka." Maybe you try to talk with a bottle of beer at the store and listen to it from a fresh anecdote? No need to subscribe to the news cottage cheese or toothpaste. They have many, many years have not changed. You do not need a car dealer news: will need a car - you find the right dealer and buy it, and will give a discount, do not hesitate. Unsubscribe from all unwanted mailings and take a free time to the real world.
7. Do good deeds in the real world
Slektivistami call people who are making the virtual rather than real actions in response to events. Do not substitute response to the shocking events have instant census. It is better to think about what else you can do except click Like or Retweet Button. Believe me, your Like does not help the starving children in Africa. First embark on something and understand what is happening, and then push Like. When out for a walk, do not look in the phone and on the sides. In fact, what is happening around you. Maybe a meter away from you, there are people who need help in the real world. Even if it's my grandmother, you need to translate across the road. Get familiar with what is happening. Live in the real world.
And the last. Going to the "victim" of real communication, you really no sacrifice, you help yourself and only yourself. Today, a successful citizen does not have any friends. There is a special test "naked pictures". It lies in the fact that a person is invited to call the people to whom he would trust to store their photos in the costume of Adam (or Eve). A quarter of the respondents usually can not name a single such person.
Based on the book "Doubt»
paper versionElectronic book