7 exercises with their own weight for runners
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
To run effectively and quickly, it is necessary to have strong muscles of the core. It is they who are responsible for the stabilization of the body in space. Help strengthen their short exercises with its own weight.
Running in itself strengthens the body. But first you must teach muscles work properly. You do not need additional hardware - enough of its own weight. And a lot of time is not required - enough to do 2-3 times a week for one exercise each type.
static exercises
Static exercises are aimed at developing stability. Take the right position and do not change the position of the body given time. Keep an eye on the whole body, taking the desired position. Breathe calmly. The main purpose of static exercises - muscle bark.
1. Plank on elbows
Stand on your toes and forearms (elbows are just below the shoulders). Do not lower and not throw back his head, did not cave in waist and come off the pelvis, abdomen retract. The body needs to stretch out in one line.
Hold this position for 30-60 seconds. Perform 1-2 sets.
2. Side strap
Position the body in a prone position on his side. Lean on the side surface of the left foot and the left forearm (elbow is strictly under the shoulder) and lift the body.
The right leg should lie on the left or stand behind, if it is difficult to keep balance. Right hand pull up or put on a belt. Pull the belly, do not allow the pelvis to sag. You need to stretch in a line.
Hold this position for 30-60 seconds. Repeat, turning to the other side.
During the run time, the torque of the shoulder girdle and pelvis are also moves the body forward. To strengthen the oblique muscles belly do any of the exercises mentioned below.
3. Russian twist
Sit down so that his legs were bent at a right angle, and the body has deviated by 45 degrees. Hands pull forward. Turn the housing left, then right. Making sure that the back is not rounded.
If it is difficult, then lock the feet with the help of support or partner. If you just - a little lift bent legs.
Perform 1-2 sets of 8-10 turns in each direction.
4. T-stabilization
Starting position - Strap on straight arms. Move the weight on his left arm and leg. Expand the body to the right, placing your right foot on the left and right hand stretched upward. The body should look like the letter "T".
Hold this pose for a few seconds. Then return to starting position and do the exercise on the other side.
Perform 1-2 sets of 8-10 turns in each direction.
dynamic exercises
During execution dynamic exercise is important to maintain a stable center of the body when moving the arms and legs.
5. Hunting dog
Get on all fours: hands under shoulders, knees under hips, back flat. Pull left leg back, feel the tension left buttock. Right hand away; forward along the ear. Do not throw back his head and does not change the position of the support legs and arms.
Return to the starting position. Replace the arm and leg, do the exercise again.
Perform 1-2 sets of 8-10 times on each side.
6. Climber
Starting position - Strap on straight arms. Pull your right knee to your chest. Do not round your back. Return to the starting position. Pull your left knee to your chest.
Perform 1-2 sets of 8-10 repetitions for each leg.
7. A beetle on its back
Starting position - lying on his back, legs bent at a right angle, arms extended upward, the abdominal muscles are tense. Not relaxing the belly, pull and lower the left leg and right arm (do not put your hands and feet on the floor).
Return to the starting position. Replace the arm and leg, do the exercise again.
Perform 1-2 sets of 8-10 times on each side.