How quickly put himself in shape after childbirth
Sport And Fitness / / December 19, 2019
Exercise after childbirth not only help a woman restore the body faster, but also increase the sense of well-being and raise the energy level. Trainees women often stayExercise in the postpartum period: Practical applications in a good mood, rarely experience anxiety and depressed.
2 weeks after discharge
An easy exercises you can perform two weeks after childbirth. More intense exercise - not earlier than 6-8 weeks after childbirth or surgery. Full exercise after surgery is recommended to start no earlier than 6 months.
Tatiana L. Fedin, an obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category
Mandel Jessie (Jessie Mundell), for training expert for the prenatal and postnatal periods, trainer and kinesiologist, offers three exercises3 Exercises You Must Do Immediately Post PregnancyTo help restore proper breathing and strengthen the muscles of the core.
Before performing any exercise, consult your doctor.
Breathing muscles to bark
During pregnancy, because of the growing fetus moves the diaphragm women. In the later stages breathing becomes completely top: intercostal muscles work more. Due to such habits disrupted breathing diaphragm, which may adversely affect the functioning of the digestive and circulatory systems.
to restore proper breathing and strengthen the muscles of the cortex - the abdomen, back, buttocks and pelvic floor - breathing exercises.
- Lie on your back, bend your legs and place the feet on the floor.
- Place one hand on the belt, and the other - the lower part of the abdomen.
- Take a breath. Hands should feel the inflated abdomen. The pelvic floor muscles are relaxed at this point.
- On the exhale, you are completely expel the air from the stomach at the same time pulling the pelvic floor muscles.
- Make two sets of 10 breaths every day.
You can also do this exercise sitting or standing. In any case, the spine should be in a natural position: no slouch and excessive bending at the waist.
Stretching the hip flexor on one knee
This exercise develops stability, opens the chest and helps restore the full diaphragmatic breathing.
- Lunged forward and stand on one knee. Angle in both knees - 90 degrees.
- Balance the weight between your feet or a little move to the one at the rear.
- Squeeze your buttocks to feel the muscles of the front of the thigh.
- Raise your hand to the side of the knee, which stands on the floor, pull the toes toward the ceiling.
- Lean to the side, in the direction of the front foot.
- Change the foot and repeat.
- Every day, do two sets of 6-8 reps on each side.
air squats
This exercise will help to support the hip joint mobility, increase strength muscle bark and synchronize the movement of the breath.
- Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width, toes turned outwards, his hands folded in front of him.
- Inhale, pull the hips back as if you want to sit on a chair and do squat until thighs parallel with the floor.
- Sit down clearly in the middle, not pulling to the right or left foot. At the lowest point of the knees should not extend beyond the toes feet.
- On the exhale, rise up from the squat, straining buttocks and the front of the thighs.
- Every day, perform two sets of 10 sit-ups.
The following three exercises are taken from the brochureFit for future. Essential advice and exercises following childbirth. on postpartum recovery from the Association of Physiotherapists. They will help you regain muscle tone bark, pelvic floor and hips, fight DiastaseHow to Treat Diastasis Recti Abdominis with Physical Therapy: A Case Report, Physiotherapy in diastasis of the rectus muscles of abdomen in women during pregnancy and postpartum pregnant (divergence of the rectus abdominis muscle), lowerNeuromuscular Electrical Stimulation and Strength Recovery of Postnatal Diastasis Recti Abdominis Muscles weight and waist circumference. Do them three times a day.
Lifting legs
- Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet put on the floor, put his hands along the body.
- On the exhale, tighten your pelvic floor muscles, press your lower back to the floor and pull the thigh, as if you want to touch the knee chest. At the same time there should be no discomfort. Do exercise in its natural range of movement.
- Hold the position for 3-10 seconds and then return to starting position and relax.
- Repeat three times for each leg.
turns feet
- Lie on your back, bend your legs, put the foot on the floor.
- Exhale, pull your stomach and turn the United knees to the right.
- Return knees to the starting position and relax.
- Exhale, pull your stomach and repeat to the other side.
- Do this exercise three times in each direction.
heads ups
- Lie on your back, bend your knees and place the feet on the floor.
- Exhale, tighten your pelvic floor muscles, pull your stomach.
- Tear off his head and shoulders off the floor, hold the position for 3 seconds.
- On the inhale, lower your head and shoulders, completely relax.
- Repeat 10 times.
more walk with baby. That walk rather than sit on the bench while he was sleeping in a stroller. Walking burns calories is not much, but not tiring. An hour walk at a speed of 4 km / h, you can spend about 200 calories. If you walk a half hours in the morning and in the evening, a deficit of 600 calories a day is provided to you.
If you zavedet the habit, after a month you will be able to lose a kilogram fat without dieting and for the benefit of the child.
From 2 to 6 months after birth
Now, you can diversify your training other exercises.
Water aerobics or relaxing swim in the pool
After pregnancy, women often changePregnancy Leads to Lasting Changes in Foot Structure the arch of the foot: becomes more flat and loses its cushioning. As a result, it increases the risk of osteoporosis, bursitis and other joint problems.
If during pregnancy you have had pain in my knees and back, after giving birth, it is desirable to reduce the load on the joints. Therefore, to delay the running, but instead try exercises in the pool.
Swimming and water aerobics are not intended to shock, so you lose calories, improves blood circulation and muscle train without danger to the joints.
Exercises with your own body weight
Up to six months after giving birth is not necessary to buy a subscription to the the gym. Instead, try the exercises with your own body weight. In addition to the previous exercise, add the following.
gluteal bridge
Exercise load gluteal muscles and the back thighs.
- Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, put the foot on the floor.
- On the exhale, lift your hips as high as possible, tighten your buttocks.
- With breath down to the floor to its original position.
- Every day, do three sets of 15 times.
Push-ups with knees
Exercise strengthens the arms, shoulders and chest muscles.
- Get on your knees, put his hands under the shoulders.
- Drop down, touch the breast floor and climb back.
- Strain your buttocks to avoid bending at the waist.
- Every day, do two sets of 15 repetitions.
A good exercise for the thighs pumping. At the same time will help you regain a sense of balance.
- Lunged to touch the floor with his knee.
- Make sure the knee does not go over the toe and the back remain straight.
- If you feel unstable, put in front of standing leg slightly wider and expand the sock inside.
- Return to starting position and do the lunge with the other leg.
- Make two sets of 10 lunges on each leg.
6 months after giving birth
By this time the body has recovered enough to try something more serious.
Arrange cross-country training three times a week. Run in the "conversational pace" when, during the activity, you can hold a conversation without difficulty.
If you have a heart rate monitor, you can be guided by the heart rate (HR). In the scientific articleExercise in the postpartum period: Practical applications Michel Motolla (Michelle F. Mottola) from the University of Western Ontario is recommended to run on the pulse of 70-85% of maximum heart rate. For the calculation, use the these formulas.
To avoid sharp jumps rate, start workout with a warm up and end with a hitch. Your activity will be as follows:
- 5-10 minutes of brisk walking;
- 15 minutes of running in the "conversational pace" or in a suitable heart rate zone you;
- 5-10 minute walk as a hitch.
There are a few important points:
- Buy good running shoes to protect the knee joints from shock loads. Should choose shoes with good shock absorption and arch support for the foot. read about running technique: it is very important.
- If you are breastfeeding, do not wear a sports bra Waist. This can lead to stagnation of milk. It is better to choose comfortable bra with good support and wide shoulder straps.
- Maintain adequate fluid levels in the body. Bring water and drink or ignore thirst.
Strength training in the hall
In order not to overdo it and do not hurt yourself, be sure to be engaged with the instructor.
Tatiana FedinThe intensity of the training the trainer sets, so the classes need to be under its control.
Before you select a coach, ask about the availability of vocational training and work experience with women in the postnatal period.
For breastfeeding women it is also important to maintain a low intensity exercise and monitor hydration. Be sure to take it with you to the gym with a water bottle and drink when you feel thirsty.
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