Gmail as the default email client in Firefox 3
Do It Yourself / / December 19, 2019
In the standard assembly of the third version of Firefox users can install a standard mail client Yandex. Mail (in the Russian version) or Yahoo! Mail (in English). But much more Gmail users, and today we tell you how to teach the FF to Gmail.
Of course, there is a special plug-ins and scripts, such as Gmailto, but each additional superstructure - a valuable megabytes of RAM. Therefore, we will do everything the built-in browser means.
1. Please login to Gmail
2. Enter the address in the address bar just below and press Enter
javascript: window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler ( «mailto», »»,»Gmail»)
javascript: window.navigator.registerProtocolHandler ( «mailto», »»,»Gmail»)
if you are using Google Apps (### replace your domain)
3. The panel pops up, click "Submit Application"
4. To save the results, click here. In the window that appears, select Gmail and check the checkbox 'Remember my choice... ". A letter to the address to send do not, nobody will get.
Change the application that will open links «mailto: *», can always be in the tab «Tools» → «Settings» → «Applications" (or "of Firefox» → «Settings» → «Applications»).
Set Gmail as your default email client in Firefox 3 [Official Gmail Blog]