18 DIY-ideas that will delight your pet
Do It Yourself / / December 19, 2019
For dogs
1. braided rope
Turn old T-shirt or two in a pigtail and play with your dog, teasing her and dragging each other that rope.
2. Treat a tennis ball
Do the narrow opening in the old tennis ball, to put something tasty and give it to dog. Suppose now that she understands how to get the treat out.
3. soft lounger
Cut two rectangles of fabric the size of sunbeds. The edges with scissors to turn into a fringe, making incisions of 7-10 centimeters. Then the two fabric preforms put any soft filler (old stuff foam, padding polyester batting) and a link between the upper and lower strips fringe nodes. This, of course, not a toy, but this bed is the perfect place to rest your puppy after the game.
4. A bottle of water in a sock
Place the empty bottle from under the water in the top of the sock and tie. Just do not do it, if the crackling plastic annoys you.
For cats
1. On the ribbon, toy
A piece of light fabric, feathers, candy wrapper on the candy or other attractive thing for a cat to tie ribbon or thick string. The toy is ready!
2. Stump-kittens
Cut thick cardboard into strips the width of about 6 centimeters. Tightly twist the first strip into a cylinder and secure the end of the tape. Attach strips and wrap the following one after another, until the stump will not be your desired diameter. You can glue the bottom fabric and decorate the side of his real bark or cork. Put the finished stump on the floor and sprinkle catnip - for the cat Scratchy ready.
3. Cardboard box
This is because the absolute favorite of the cat, but it can be improved. Make the sides of the round holes of such size that the cat could stick his paw, close the lid of the box and watch the show.
4. cat tent
Comfortable place for your cat where she can take a nap after the game. You will need a T-shirt, two wire hangers (or two pieces of wire) and a piece of cardboard the size of 40 × 40 centimeters.
Make wire two U-shaped arc as support normal tents, and connect them criss-cross tape.
The corners of the board, do the small holes. Insert the ends of the wire, bend and fasten with tape.
The resulting structure tuck into a T-shirt so that the neck was the entrance, and the bottom of the sleeves and tuck and secure. You can still lay inside something soft and put your favorite cat toy.
5. Get treat
Make a hole in a plastic container, put into the favorite delicacies of your cat and leave the pet to solve this puzzle. The edges of the hole should not be sharp, not to harm the animal.
for parrots
1. Swing
Find a sturdy branch that your parrot can comfortably grasp the foot and attach the arc of thick wire. Another option: make a wooden wedges two holes and insert them into a thick thread. On it can be strung pieces of wood and colorful beads. Swing can be hung in a cage, and outside it.
2. Stairs
Parrots - even those acrobats, so ladder associated with thin ropes, surely entice them. You can also complement the design of the cardboard cylinder. The main thing that the ropes were strong and bird ate their fibers, so it is better to take dense synthetics.
3. Sports ground of the rope
You can create a series of swings, arches, stairs and do the bungee, where the feathered able to swing. Complete all of this hanging ropes with large beads, which can sort out the bird.
4. acrobatic ball
To create this toy, you will need two hoops for embroidering. Connect the two circles at right angles and tie place thread connection, and another portion of the hoop fix as shown in the video below. Wrap all of the strong thread, add the suspension in the middle - is ready.
5. Kids toys
If you have any toys out of colorful plastic balls, cubes, rings, then you're in luck. With all this parrot love to play, come up just where to hang them.
for hamsters
1. tunnels
To create them suitable cardboard sheets or sleeves of toilet paper. You can make a small tunnel or a maze, and sprinkle it with sawdust. And so that the hamster was the motivation, at the exit of the tunnel put his favorite treat.
2. Amusement park
To the hamster is not bored, he needs to overcome obstacles and to look for something. Obstacles are made of little things of different shapes, including children's toys and figurines, and here again, can not do without the sleeve of toilet paper - a universal thing. Search hamster, of course, would be something good to eat, such as the hidden pieces of fruit you.
3. lodge
It offers small boxes and plastic containers. Of the boxes can be a house with several levels, passages and stairways. The moves will turn all of the same sleeves on toilet paper, and a ladder - made of sticks from ice cream or any other available material.
4. stairs
Collect small wedges and sprigs. Glue them on the basis of cardboard or tie a rope from both sides, making a suspension bridge.
If your pet is prone there are things that should not, be alert when he is playing with new toys.
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