Why you need to act here and now, rather than wait for the right moment
Motivation / / December 19, 2019
The ideal time to start doing something, never will be. It will not be, when you will be going to take up some huge project, you want to write a book, spend time with family, to get rid of a bad habit, or buy a new one. Once you understand this, life will become much easier.
Napoleon Hill (Napoleon Hill), American writerDo not wait. There will never be perfectly suitable time. Begin to act immediately. Use all the tools that you have at hand. The best means and possibilities open to you only when you have at least a little successful.
Stop making excuses
"I'm so tired". "I do not have time." "I will not work." "Why not do it someone else?". "It's too late to do something." "For a wrong time." "My ideas are boring." "I am not ready". "I'm afraid!". "Nobody understands me". "What if I fail?". "Once is not enough motivation." "I still can not change anything." "I have no money". Oh, everything is enough!
Jordan Belfort (Jordan Belfort), American businessman and writerThe only thing that stands between you and your goal - a shitty idea why you can not achieve this goal, which you constantly scrolled in my head.
Invent excuses for his idleness and the fact that you are constantly kept putting it off, quite easily. The more time you are giving it, the less remains the fact to take real action to achieve the goal.
How easy it is constantly talking phrases like "I'll start to do something only when I have more experience, money, relationships, time or resources." By this mythical indefinite period of time you will accumulate more a dozen different excuses. This is a cyclical process. Once you get into this loop, get out of it will be very difficult.
Many people still live their entire lives without experiencing particular desire to break out of the vicious circle of laziness and constant excuses. But there are those who find the strength to break free and begin at least something to change.
Most of us have a great believer in the mistaken illusion that all the work that we do not like or unpleasant, can be easily postpone for tomorrow (Read: for an indefinite period). We stubbornly hold on to this belief as long as the work does not become absolutely intolerable burden.
We always try to take the path of least resistance, taking decisions that will not break our comfort zone. This provides the illusion of an imaginary security. That's why we love to hide behind excuses. If you seriously set to change something, then it's time to get rid of excuses.
Do not miss the moment
Malcolm Gladwell (Malcom Gladwell), Canadian journalistSuccessful people are those who know how to gather the courage to use their opportunities.
Looking at old age lived life, people often think about what could be changed. And often the despair of how many things they could do, but did not. This wave of remorse sometimes engulfing head, because so much time has been spent in vain.
Accumulating an impressive size of a bunch of things that were not done because of the elemental fear or due to waiting for a better time. Then involuntarily comes the realization of how is it that it was silly to hesitate and be afraid.
Think about whether or not to wait for old age to realize this simple truth and no longer be able to at least something to change, or you can now believe in the word to all those people who, through this We passed? If you are still waiting for a sign from above to take action, then here it is: start!
Do not be afraid of difficulties
Easy to say - start. Sometimes it is very difficult. It is difficult to take the first tentative steps. Be aware that you can actually become incredibly steep and successfulAnd not just dream about it. You can absolutely everything, but only if you get out of your comfort zone. It is absolutely normal that at first you will be a little scary, because you still believe in yourself not to finish.
You already have everything you need to change the world. Do not look too far into the future. Learn to use what is at hand. The most important component of the success of any enterprise - it is you and your attitude, not the tools or resources that will be necessary over time. If you think about difficulties and the obstacles too much, then ruin any, even the most ambitious idea in the bud.
Start now!
No matter who you are and who you want to become. If you were born on this planet, then on that there were specific reasons why. Nobody ever comes with a pre-installation pledged to keep in the shade of a strong personality and always occupy only a secondary position. We choose our own destiny.
Stop torturing yourself with endless questions. Stop listening to all the others. The world is waiting for you to finally have done something great. He waits until you dare to say that so long ago to say. Waiting until you decide to implement your project or to share with someone with their ideas. He's just waiting for at least some action on your part.
Do you have a dream about which you are afraid even to think about? It is time to do something for its implementation.
We tend to think that this is not enough for good and giving up before starting. Fear to take on something new will not leave you never, but that does not mean you have to sit on the ground. Over time, you will be able to come to terms with it and accept it.
Self-criticism and self-doubt, too, will always be looming somewhere nearby. The only thing you can do with them - just act in spite of everything. Your first book, an article, a song, podcast, the first experience will not be perfect and will not suit you completely. And this is good.
After that you'll be not afraid to express themselves and begin to boldly move towards success, because you will already have at least some experience. You are not sitting still. Step by step you become better, in spite of the temporary difficulties and early failure. That is what matters. Important is that you work to move forward.
Mark Victor Hansen (Mark Victor Hansen), coach and authorDo not wait for the moment when circumstances will an ideal way. All at once will never be perfect. There will always be some problems, obstacles and the conditions far from ideal. Well, so what? Simply start driving to the goal right now. With each step, you will become stronger, more experienced, more confident and more successful.
Use your advantage all the tremendous opportunities that give us the information age. Do you have everything you need within arm's reach, you just need to be able to find. Remember that the perfect time will never happen. There is not even such a thing as the perfect time.
If you feel the strength to act here and now, you should not hold back. Do not wait until everything is perfect and amazing. Begin to act and have enough to read this article.