How to care for orchids of different varieties
Do It Yourself Educational Program / / December 19, 2019
Caring for orchids is easier than it seems: it is enough to create for them a comfortable environment and ensure timely watering, fertilizing and replanting. Then the plants will delight you for years.
General rules for the care of orchids
What to grow orchids
Orchid roots need air, firm ground for it - certain death. So usually orchid grows in breathable substrate or no. The substrate most commonly used tree bark in it can be added to the moss or charcoal.
Better to buy a substrate in specialized stores, if you cook it properly, it can harm the plant.
It's best to grow orchids in transparent pot. It's easier to control the level of humidity and to monitor the condition of the roots. The pot also can be done more holes for air circulation.
How often to water and fertilize the orchid
In the case of the orchid Nedolya better than pour: the plant does not tolerate waterlogged soil. Therefore, you need to water the flowers every 5-12 days (more often in the summer, less in winter).
The easiest way to determine the moisture content with his finger in the pot, if the substrate is wet, then the watering time has not come yet. Also, a sufficient level of humidity indicates condensation on the transparent walls of the pot.
From time to time, you can spray the leaves of orchid with water and wipe them dry with a cotton swab. This will help to relieve the plant from dust.
Orchid should be fed once a month a special fertilizer for the plant. Usually, they are mixed with water and injected under watering.
Under what conditions should be kept orchid
Most orchids love the warmth and light. Many varieties feel comfortable at a temperature of 18-28 degrees and the natural light in the east or west side of the house. Nevertheless, an orchid must be protected from direct sunlight, especially in summer. Therefore, to grow it on the south windowsill nezatemnonnom - bad idea.
Also, most of the varieties do not tolerate dry air. Therefore, the orchid is better positioned next to humidifier or to put on a stone or other elevation in the pan with water so that the pot does not touch the liquid.
How often cut and repot an orchid
Most varieties of flower stalks can be cut after flowering. It is also worth to remove the dead roots when transplanting.
Usually orchids are transplanted every two years, or in the case where the roots of the plant is not put into the pot. Transplant perform better in the dry state: from dry to dry substrate.
Caring for orchids popular varieties
This grade is sufficiently undemanding can withstand different levels of luminance and a temperature from 12 to 28 degrees, although it is optimal for approximately 20-25 degrees.
Watering Phalaenopsis need after the primer has dried, ie about once a week. The best method - immersion: a pot for a few minutes is lowered into the container with water at room temperature. In the flowering period can be watered by a watering can to avoid creating additional stress for orchids.
Feed plants need during flowering and growth. When phalaenopsis rest (ie not in bloom and not growing), it is possible not to fertilize.
This variety is very love of light, so it is better to grow on the east or south-east, while not forgetting to protect it from the direct rays. The ideal temperature for Cattleya - 18-22 degrees.
Orchid substrate should dry out, so the average interval watering - 7 days. It is better to water the Cattleya above and give water to drain. Feed the orchid needed during the growing season.
After flowering cattleya flower spike can not cut off: in its place formed a new shoot.
As Cattleya, Dendrobium loves light and comfortable room temperature.
The average interval watering - 7 days. Watering is best at the top and at the same time it is necessary to ensure that water does not accumulate on the bottom of the pot: the roots of the plants are very sensitive. In the rest period (usually in winter) watering is necessary to reduce or stop altogether.
Feed the orchid should be once a month, reducing the amount of fertilizer in the winter.
This variety is also called lady's slipper. It normally carries a shadow, but keep it still better on the windowsill. The ideal temperature for pafiopediluma - 20-22 degrees.
This orchid, like the previous one, does not tolerate excess moisture in the pot, so it is necessary to ensure good drainage. Watering can be on top once a week, in the summer a little more often.
Feed the plant should be every two to three weeks, it is best to use a non-root method: spraying a small amount of fertilizer on the leaves with an atomizer, but so that the surface is not formed drops.
Each stem pafiopediluma blooms only once and then dies. Therefore, the old stems should be cut as close as possible to the ground.
In the natural environment Vanda roots hang in the air, so it does not require a substrate and can keep it in the usual vase. This orchid feels good at a temperature of 18-28 degrees and loves the light, but can not tolerate direct sunlight. In winter, it may need artificial light.
Watering Vanda need one or two times a week. This is done as follows: a vase in which it is contained, is filled with water and left for 20 minutes, then the water is drained. Thus it is necessary to avoid getting moisture in the stems and leaves of the plant.
Orchids need to feed during active growth, adding fertilizer to the water (not more than once in three watering).
As you can see, orchids do not require some care daunting. But if you want to spend a minimum of effort, you should look for more undemanding plant. They also help to create a pleasant atmosphere in the house.