Coolors - the easiest way to choose the perfect color palette
Web Services Ios / / December 22, 2019
Selecting the appropriate color palette - an essential step in creating any design. In the matter of the choice of color combinations will be a good assistant designer gadget Coolors, until recently, existed only in the web service format. Now the developers have added several new useful features and introduced iOS version - simple, convenient and functional.
Whatever you do - creating a website layout, design brochures, application interface or design in Adobe Illustrator, - one of the main ways to attract the audience's attention is the choice of successful color palette. For mobile devices and desktop systems have many applications, you can experiment with colors by asking manually color HEX-code or selecting the desired palette to RGB.
Coolors - application Fabrizio Bianchi (fabrizio Bianchi), Which is able to do it faster and easier. Navigate the palettes to find the right color, you can simply by pressing the space bar, your favorite color You can lock and bring the results to perfection - fine-tuning the brightness, saturation, shade.
After registering your account, you can also save the palette ready in PDF, PNG, SCSS, SVG or just copy the link and share the results with the customer, friends or colleagues. Each color signed HEX-code that can be used in any graphics editor. The palette consists of five colors, which is standard for this type of application. Increase or decrease the number, you can not.
This iOS-App, presented recently, is fully consistent with its web version. It is the same minimalist, offers similar functionality, and use them as convenient. Download Coolors possible is free the App Store.
Price: 149 rubles