Classical music affects mood and mental performance
Music / / December 19, 2019
Properly selected background music improves mood, helps to focus on work and gives a boost of energy. The best performance in the research demonstrates classical music.
Vivaldi's works by stimulating the brain
Antonio Vivaldi - one of the brightest representatives of Baroque composers. It was marked by a new trend in classical music prevailed in the 1600-1750 years.
Baroque music differs measured rate compositions (about 60 beats per minute) and the presence of high-frequency harmonic overtones - more music, reinforcing the melody and introducing in the music tone of extravagance and emotional fullness.
Check the impact of baroque music on mood can each: the unhurried rhythm leads to calm, but it does not paralyze the mental processes. The presence of this effect was confirmed by scientists.
For example, in 2007 a team of researchers from Stanford University, which included staff from the School of Medicine and the Faculty of Music, conducted an experimentMusic moves brain to pay attention, organize events.
During which the subjects were tested the ability to concentrate, remember and make predictions. Researchers have investigated using tomography brain function when listening to baroque music.It was found that the peak of the brain activity recorded in brief moments of silence between pieces of music. This is due to the fact that Baroque music has a certain share of unpredictability: we build forecasts and analyzes future melodic combinations in the next piece of music.
A similar effect occurs when listening not only to Vivaldi, but Bach, Handel, Albinoni. Listening to baroque works, we train the brain, we charge him for the active work. It is worth noting that this kind of music therapy should not be accompanied by mental activity, and precede it. Those who do not know where to start, help our selection.
Mozart helps to learn and create
On the physiological impact of the Austrian composer's music debated for decades. Many researchers claim positive effects of Mozart's compositions are not only mental activity, but also on health. The term "Mozart effect" was introduced in 1991, otolaryngologist, Alfred Tomatis, who used the product of the composer in his work.
In 1993, Frances Roche, Gordon Shaw and Katherine Kee investigatedMusic and spatial task performance. the effect of listening to a Mozart sonata on mental activity. They gave subjects the same test for spatial thinking, the difference lies only in the music that accompanies the passage of the job.
It was found that the best results of the subjects showed when listening to Mozart. This effect was not observed when the silence of relaxing or oral instructions. Unfortunately, this effect is not long-term: the effect was only observed for 15 minutes after listening.
Soon Mozart effect has become a registered trademark of, and within the framework of its promotion was made a lot of bold thesis, which we suggest be skeptical. But if the physiological effects remains a subject of controversy scientists, the beneficial effects of music the mood of the Austrian composer and concentration - a fact that anyone can check for yourself. To get acquainted with the works of Mozart Layfhaker offers the following selection.
Selections of works of classical music on different occasions
Classical music is not universal. Random selection of songs is unlikely to set you on the right footing and plunged into the desired state. To compile playlists Layfhaker decided to turn to a professional counselor.
Marina Gelement
Teacher at Brest College of Music, musicologist, music critic, founder and leader of the project "Music with the right name."
Music for motivation
Force yourself to do anything to help the heroic character of the music. These works are written in a major fret and have enlistment intonation. Many of them are written for wind instruments. Presented in the compilation of music designed not only to motivate action, but also to program the human success.
Music to set the mood
This music has a predominantly light in nature. The compilation of a lot and dance works. Major way, catchy theme, plenty of stringed instruments - all of this allows a person to relax and get rid of unpleasant thoughts. This music you want to live, breathe, and create.
Music to soothe
Promote relaxation and piano sounds of stringed instruments, the major scale compositions and preferably slow rate. This music is the easiest way to stop, relax and even fall asleep. The collection includes works of the Baroque and classicism, compositions by Debussy, Rachmaninoff and Tchaikovsky. Suitable not only for adults but also for children.
Music for physical work
To activate, suitable compositions at a rapid pace. Of course, this music will be difficult to concentrate on mental work, but quickly put things in order in house, to gather at the upcoming meeting, or even go through a bucket of strawberries with such a selection would be much simpler.