Bloopers of Steve Jobs. Why no one cares about them
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
ABOUT leadership qualities not one written by Jobs bookAnd his experience are embracing leaders and businessmen around the world. Moreover, almost all turn a blind eye to the bad actions and decisions of Steve. But before becoming a legend entrepreneurHe was wrong many times, and stuffed a lot of bumps.
Apple (1976-1985)
- Jobs made a mistake with the Lisa and Macintosh, the first version of which failed. Despite the brilliant promotion and guidance for the development team, the latter made unviable at the time of product launch.
- Mistake was the decision to hire John Sculley, the differences which have arisen on the Macintosh startup phase. After some time, disputes escalated into a struggle for power, and soon Steve left Apple.
- Jobs used the wrong approach to his subordinates, including all managers up to Scully, was too harsh in the exchange of opinions, and sometimes unbearable.
- He made a mistake by putting the software above the hardware in the early stages of development of the personal computer industry.
NeXT (1985-1996)
- Jobs successfully hired Evie Tevanyan guessed from the market potential, but wrong time. The niche was occupied. Steve managed to win it, but then he lost it again. Boast continued success in the corporate segment, he unfortunately could not.
- Then there was a series of mistakes in the management of the business, including the refusal to cooperate with IBM and other key partners.
- In the pros, you can record the successful sale of NeXT Apple, but in fact the role of Steve in this limited negotiation.
Pixar (1986-2006)
- Buying Pixar was a mistake, and eventually Jobs acknowledged this. Studio suck money year after year, until it was awarded a contract with Disney on not the most favorable conditions for Pixar. Eventually, the studio was sold to Disney, and Jobs became the largest shareholder of the production company.
- Steve tried to establish developed along with the creation of films at Pixar sale of hardware and software for 3D-design, which the company. This, too, was a mistake, because the mass market did not need a three-dimensional modeling tools. Even the price reduction from 125 to 30 thousand dollars could not change the situation.
- Non-interference in the corporate culture Jobs and Pixar adopted management style can be written in the pros, if not for the fact that it was just part of the deal with Ed Ketmellom.
I must say Steve was right, negotiating with Disney in all three cases: the first contract was very unfavorable, the second - excellent, and the third was the Pixar sale. Despite the fact that much depended on the Lasseter and Ketmella, Jobs pulled out a second agreement with Disney than anyone else. It was one of the strongest passages in his entire life.
Another merit of Steve in Pixar - is that he was instrumental in the resignation of Michael Eisner of Disney, and established relationship with Bob Iger, who subsequently decided to buy Pixar, replacing Eisner as head Disney.
Apple (1997-2011)
At Apple, Jobs has taken a number of important decisions and took responsibility for the risks fully paid with in most cases. Many of his decisions failures, seemingly obvious errors today, at that time were reasonable. Yes, Steve was against the idea of third-party applications for the iPhone, but because the smartphone was an innovative product, not like the fact that makes the Nokia and Rim.
However, every small decision, where it was more or less insistent, had 4-5 decisions in which he could firmly hold that the other would have been impossible. At this stage of life, he was the best leader, colleague and reliable person than ever before.
He remained assertive and ruthless, but only for those things that were on Apple's favor. From his brilliant move involving $ 150 million Microsoft investment and support Windows on the Mac to folding design its best-loved products, because they did not fit into his vision of the future company.
His second term as head of Apple - a reference example which other technology CEO will be more than one decade. But all this was given to Steve at the cost of a considerable number of errors, without which it simply would not have achieved everything what could reach.