Three extensions for learning a foreign language in Google Chrome
Browsers Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Knowledge of a second, a third or more languages in our time is so important that no one has to prove it is not necessary. Divide before the world collapsed external borders have remained only our internal constraints and prejudices that prevent us to look beyond the familiar habitat. Therefore, the study of languages should be treated with the utmost seriousness and to devote the maximum time possible. One of the techniques - acquire knowledge during normal surfing. This will help us to the Google Chrome browser, and some interesting extensions.
English dictionary translate pronunciation
This is the simple extension of this review, but it can play an important role not only to memorize separate words, but for the pronunciation. Once installed on the browser toolbar, there is a new icon and in the context menu - a new item. And then, and another is used for the same. Once you highlight a word on a page, click on the expand button or select it from the context menu, and a small window will appear, where you can see the translation, transliteration and listen pronunciation. Additionally, you will see a few examples of the application of the word.
Language Immersion for Chrome
Absolutely magnificent extension struck me simple, but at the same time an original approach to language learning. It simply selectively replaces some of the words you're viewing on the foreign page. So you will easily read what you're interested in, but some of the words in each sentence will be in the target language of your choice. In summing up the mouse to such a word will sound its pronunciation, and will reverse replacement when clicked.
The percentage of foreign words, which will appear in the text, you can set in the settings, but here select which language you are studying at the moment. Unfortunately, as the main language in this extension is rigidly fixed English, so that it is suitable only those who are already well-owns it and is going to study further French, German, Spanish, and so on list.
ReadLang - the most functional extension presented in this article. It is a training center in Google Chrome. You can use it as follows.
After installing ReadLang open in browser any article in a foreign language. Then click on the expand button and the text of the page is displayed to you in an easy to read, cleared of all superfluous form. In this case, you need to specify the language of this page.
You are viewing the text and as the discovery of new unfamiliar words you click on them with the mouse, the result immediately in the text of the translation appears. But other than that, the fuller meaning of each word that you selected can be viewed in a special panel that is displayed in the right pane. It also saves all the new words of the text with the ability to listen to their sound.
To view this ReadLang require registration on its home page. Take it one minute, because as a result you get a convenient way to save their articles in my personal library, and even follow-up work with the selected words as you can easily remember cards.
Price: 0
As you can see, there are enough ways to combine their activities in the Internet with the improvement of language skills. Of course, no one, even the most remarkable expansion, not give you a skill fluency in foreign, but as an additional measure, in combination with other exercises could well help.