How to hide unwanted icons in System Preferences OS X
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Happens! Once people (especially peresevshie with Windows) do not try to customize OS X. And the theme to change and alter icons. There are even those who do not like the panel in System Preferences. Icon there, they say, a lot, and it would be desirable to remove the excess. But, oddly enough, in contrast to the change "skins" for the interface a bit to edit this panel is still useful, because usually we do not need absolutely all system settings. Moreover, all this can be done by standard system tools. Let's see how. In fact, everything is very simple. Open the System Settings menu (as you prefer, from the dock or from the top menu: "Apple key - System Settings"). a window will appear in front of you with a few rows of categories. Among the standard there may be a third-party application icons settings, for example: Hazel, Flash Player, AirServer and others. Often it depends on them and want to get rid of people.
Go to the top menu and select the "View" tab. Then we descend down the menu and click "Configure". Now on the panel settings icon next to the category will be a tick. Shoot them with the categories that you do not need, and press "Done" button at the top of the window (you can just close it by clicking on the cross).
All unnecessary icon will no longer appear when you open the system settings. When you suddenly decide to return them to the place, do the same procedure in reverse order by putting the necessary jackdaws.
Have you tried to do something about the look of OS X? If so, how? Share in the comments!