Macheist loot: people's property
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
slaff mentioned Macheist, A unique opportunity for just pennies (ok, not a penny, but for $ 45, if you count all the same, it turns inexpensive) to acquire an excellent set of Mac software. He forgot to mention that after passing all Macheist mission can be obtained by means of the key (lazy can just ask the aforesaid at Google) to open the safe with a bunch of useful programs. In contrast to the main bundle here spetslitsenzii not allow you to update the application, but a selection of applications still deserves attention.
So, inside the safe you will find: a certificate for a discount of 4 bucks when buying a main bundle, monkey lover (to the extent of debility game "stop the invasion monkeys on your avatar ยป), Sofa Control (useful poppies owners with remote control), Xslimmer (a program for removing unnecessary resources from applications) WireTap Pro (sound recording via the microphone and record system events), Santa's Gizmo (on New Year's gifts to the cost accounting program, as the actual panama winter), BitClamp (encryption-decryption of files), MacHeist Chat (moderately useless softina) and HeistAgent notifying you of new events site.
Total of the whole pile of at least BitClamp and Sofa Control is really noteworthy.
P.S.: reference to the program can be found in the same Google.