Bento - the personal database
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
Bento - Japanese term for single serve packaged food, the selection of the art products and manufacturing bento is one of the most important skills for Japanese housewives. The developers of the FileMaker named his creation is so because of the similarity of concepts, challenge Bento program to spread your information in whatever form it may be, into portions. In the future you will be able to easy and pleasant to use it.
In technical terms, Bento - a multipurpose database tasked with storing and cataloging of text, images, videos, notes, events, contacts, and more, more, more. In addition Bento allows you to perform various manipulations on the imported data, such as link information of one species with those of another type of media "links."
This functionality is useful for example to designers or photographers that sell their works through the Internet. Database consisting of projects can be connected links with Address Book, add information on the amount paid, make a note of the wishes of the customer to the next order.
Bento can be useful not only in the work. Cataloging disks with movies and programs, recipes, equipment, wine collection. Storage: user passwords, notes and to-do lists. Planning: holidays and parties, diets and sports exercises, time management and planning purchases. Control: classes and lecture notes for lectures, various types of costs and profits, control of billable time and payment terms. And this is not a complete list of what is ready to provide the script. For special occasions it is possible to create a personalized database corresponding to the specific requirements.
In the section «Kits, Solutions, Examples and References» are different plugins for cooperation with third-party software, for example, to import images from Aperture.
System requirements:
Mac X v10.5.7 (Leopard)
Mac OS X v10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Mac with an Intel, PowerPC G5, or PowerPC G4 867 MHz
RAM 512MB; 1GB recommended
Not long ago, the program has been updated to third version, it has acquired the above-mentioned support to the iPhoto, in the interface has been added in the preview mode Grid, had increased the number of input fields, there was a possibility of data over a local network, implemented 128-bit encryption AES. Also in Appstore has titled applet for iPhone, synchronization is maintained with the main application.
The cost of the program is $ 49 and the United States, a family license for 5 users will cost $ 99. Mobile version of the spread in the Appstore and costs $ 4.99.
Homepage Bento
mobile Bento in the Appstore