Readiris Pro 11 - to identify me ...
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
A day in the life of the Secretary: to urgently prepare a whole pile of documents, make changes to correct the formatting, but there is a few stacks of paper. One sunny morning of student life: lipstick smeared in the Talmud (the student) under international law, heavy head and flashed on the calendar date of delivery of the course work.
At such moments, regardless of status, are carried by three secret letters in my head... - OCR (Optical character recognition - OCR.).
Let's say that your life was such that you have not heard about the "beautiful Chtitse" by well-known Russian company. Come to the aid ReadIris Pro 11.0 - as the creators say, "the most advanced OCR system."
So what the developers promise from the Belgian company I.R.I.S.: Working with 118th languages in which basis the Latin, Greek and Cyrillic alphabet, Russian language is attached. Fast converting documents into a format convenient for editing and searching, having a smaller size by compressing the original image. Transfer the converted data immediately to an external editor (Word, Excel, Acrobat, HTML, ...). Easily work with multipage documents (50 pages). Adding to the processed data formatting information for Exel tables (97-2008), the transfer of text style and background color. To better your OCR system used tools: filtering the image, eliminating distortion and alignment, automatic detection of the position of the page. The program works with the following file formats: multi-page PDF and TIFF files, DjVu, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, etc., is possible. export formats «Word», «Excel», RTF, TXT, PDF developers stated ability to read barcodes and handwriting text.
Installing the program runs from pkg-file and the particular difficulties does not represent. After the action of the installation, at the indicated path, you will see a folder with the program and test samples of varying degrees of complexity, in which the applet to the disgrace without sinning.
Run Readiris 11.6.4. Working window of the program is standard for this type of application and the particular difficulties should not cause. Let us consider the specific application icons. On the left side, in a special field, the user can change parameters such language dictionaries that are used to analyze the image file format to convert. A special menu is for the use of special features, such as the degree of response to a random "point" or distortion correction. Active icon with the "hat Bachelor" activates the training mode, the program will remember the information previously scanned fonts and terms and apply it in the future. It is worth paying attention to Adjust item in the "Control Panel", with which you can increase / decrease the brightness or contrast of the source file.
The most serious obstacle to the implementation of this program in the document can be considered as the absence of Russified user interface.
In general, Readiris is already established system to solve the most serious problems. The large number of additional features and a fairly high quality data conversion, allows you to use the software without fear of the final result.