Is it possible to combine the raw food diet, an active lifestyle and work
Food Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
Caution: many beautiful photos of food!
In August this year I set myself the task of regular nutrition - go to a predominantly raw food to be cooked in the ratio of 80/20. 80/20 Why? I am convinced that when I set myself too hard box, the pressure and stress on them is greater than the potential benefits. Therefore, in my heart I was focused on the full raw food diet, but deliberately made a relief, so as not to create excessive importance.
The first time was not easy no boiled foodSo I diluted the full ration of 20% of boiled food. But every day cooked food like less and all the clearer it became clear, in a sense, how severe is it really and how much energy takes over.
Maybe you sometimes noticed in the summer you do not want a heavy meal. To eat something boiled and getting hot, uncomfortable, sleepy and lie down. In Russia the short summer, so during the cooler is not so noticeable. Bali is where the 30 degree heat of 360 days a year (and in the remaining five days the temperature drops below 26), this heaviness is felt in full. And the more feeds mainly raw food, the strong sense of contrast with cooked.
As a result, in September, I almost switched to raw food, occasionally allowing himself to eat some boiled brown rice with vegetables or a vegetable soup. Status multiply improved. There is more strength and motivation to work. Hot days have become easier to bear, despite the fact that the heat in Bali stagnant, at that time already had to start last night's rain and become poprohladnee. Craving for boiled food has almost disappeared, and the memories of it were accompanied by thoughts that along with show cooking, in the compartment, is still sleepy, fever and lack of fighting spirit.
The more high-quality feed on raw food, the more sensitive it becomes the body.
Many believe that boiled food, meat, Fish - are vital to us all the strength and stuff in them. My experience has shown that these products take the contrary effect, as if forced to pay for the dubious pleasure that we receive during the meal.
Now my schedule is tight enough to draw conclusions about what food gives strength and which takes the contrary.
At six in the morning I wake up, wash and drink tea. I read books, think and plan the day. Next, make music, or in promotion on the Internet, call up with partners, to distribute tasks and do the main business of the day. At 12-13 I firmly dine large portion of salad, as well as, sometimes, a couple syroednyh wrap. Up to four I meet interesting people or spend lessons at Music Academy. The four are nominated surf till dusk. By seven return home sit on the bike and do a circle in the district. I love to ride in the evening on his custom bike - cool free and magical. Back, take a shower, I go to eat in Cueplay Cafe, where I was waiting for a huge portion of salad, syroedny soup and sometimes vegan burger with tofu (the very small percentage of raw food not for balance).
In the area of eight in the evening I again sit down to work, go out on the relationship with Moscow, which is just the height of the working day. Nasuschie discuss the case, and then sit down write articles, Music or spread anything from the accumulated content. If you have time - watch TV series, movies or anime, sipping tropical smoothies or enjoy the fruit. Before going to bed a little time to read and send your favorite.
As you can see the graph is dense enough, it is as well as mental stress and physical. When the schedule is so tight is very easy to understand what foods discourages and discouraged, and which, on the contrary, gives strength and vigor. So, if before the surf, I had dinner with something boiled, the surf is much more difficult than if it were a salad or fruit.
It is the same with sleep. When dinner was a boiled food, evening work has not really possible. Moreover, in the morning harder to wake up. Sometimes there is a condition similar to alcohol withdrawal syndromeAlthough alcohol I do not drink more than two years in general.
Another thing I noticed, the more high-quality feed on raw food, the more sensitive it becomes the body. It does not want to accept without a fight, the dead food and strongly signaled its displeasure. Bright signals - drowsiness, desire to lie, not to work, heartburn, heaviness, swelling. On the contrary live food body sings and rejoices, I want to create, play sports and do move.
As you can see, my daily schedule is quite busy and on my own experience, I was once again convinced of the benefits mostly syroednogo eating habits with a slight deviation in favor of not very heavy cooked foods such as brown rice, tofu, steamed vegetables. And most importantly - in small quantities.
Meat, fish, boiled food take effect, as if forced to pay for the dubious pleasure that we receive during the meal.
But do not be afraid of large portions of salads, fruits and other plant foods. This is fine if you only eats from the huge portions. The fact is that it just seems that a large portion. In fact, in a lot of fresh food and water a little flesh. Do not compare with a flame dried thick piece of meat, which drops a stone in the stomach and creates the illusion of saturation, which is bordered by the drugs.
All I want to convey in this letter - try to eat mostly raw vegetables and fruits 1-2 months and listen to your body.
This is not a great test, perhaps once and for all will help you change their food preferences and to discover the world clean and healthy food, which in turn will open for you a new world of health and happiness, which you until now only dream could.
As my favorite company - just do it!
P.S. Learn about Jolly syroednicheskih recipes, you can write me in PM in follow my blog and instagramm.
Photo: Dennis Yablonsky