Calories in foods: Fat or Fiction: How many calories are in your cake?
Tips Food / / December 19, 2019
Once again I began to actively engage in sports, each eaten a piece of cake appeared to me in the form of calories in terms of the number of laps that I will need to run (thanks Runkeeper and other similar applications). Calories in the product: how do you know so much them in McDonalds? It is not always our understanding of the caloric content of a food match with reality.
«Fat or Fiction» - an interesting web service that tells you how many calories does your piece of the pie;)
Fat or Fiction made in the form infotography - communication between the information and a photograph. The idea saw the light thanks to the cooperation of the designer, photographer and creative tehnolodzhista (Creative Technologis... whatever that meant). It turned out beautiful, delicious and informative!
On the right side icons with different products - cakes, drinks, chocolate, chips and other snacks, cheeses and sweets. Hovering the mouse over a piece of cake you are interested, you can see its calorie content of protein, carbohydrates and fat grams. But the interest - it is the fat content in the cake baking on the total collection. Similarly displays information about other products. The candy is indicated also the sugar content.
My choice - cheesecake and mozzarella. And no chips! Truth be told, it does not get better with beer and snacks from him - Guinness - 215 calories per glass, chips Pringles - 900 calories in 1 package. And it appears white wine more nutritious than red (111 calories and 94 respectively).