How to replace the Dock in OS X on the tray a la Windows using uBar
Makradar Technologies / / December 19, 2019
I would like to continue its small selection of applications for OS X for those who have recently switched from Windows on the Mac. We make adaptation more enjoyable. I already wrote about CRAX Commander (Replacement of the popular file manager), and now tell how to replace Doc to something more familiar to Win-interface using uBar.
If you just can not get used to the standard Doku or he'll simply tired, there is an alternative in the form of entertaining Ring Menu. It is cheaper, but is far less attractive than our guest today.
uBar - is a complete replacement for the standard Dock in OS X. Appearance, job applications and its capabilities much closer to those from Windows. When you first start the program you want to allow it access to the settings menu "Privacy" in the security settings, and security. After that you need to restart the application. Now look at the bottom of the workspace, where the default is Doc. With him will be visible to another panel, strongly resemble those of some of Windows 7.
Now, those who have recently moved to the "Wind" will be much more comfortable, since all the elements are in a familiar place. In the lower right corner displays the date and time. When you hover the mouse cursor in the pop-up window will show the calendar and when you click on the area - open the corresponding application. In the lower left corner - the analogue of the "Start" button that opens a menu of the program are divided into categories, standard folders, system settings and the ability to shutdown, reboot and exit the Account recording. Between them - open active windows, a hair's breadth as an operating system from Microsoft.
In uBar open applications are grouped in one window. That is, if you have the Finder open multiple windows in the lower panel shows the figure with their number and arrow, when pushed, it will open a sub-menu with a choice of windows you require.
Pleasantly pleased with the notification of the application. If you have unread messages in your email client, then their number will be displayed on uBar panel. This is one of those necessary details, which was not available in the above-mentioned Ring Menu. Not enough except that various contextual menu for certain applications, such as switching tracks in iTunes, but that's nothing.
If you look in general, the application will certainly likely to appeal to those who can not get used to the standard Doku, or simply decided in any way customize appearance of the system. The only factor stopping can be Price: $ 20 - not the budget option for a small, albeit an interesting tool. However, the Mac App Store is a free lite-version of the application, more limited in functionality. And on the official site have the option to download a full trial version.
And how fast you are accustomed to the Dock? Or use something like this instead? Tell us about it in the comments!
Official site uBar