The perfect search engine for Flickr
Web Services Technologies / / December 19, 2019
If you still do not know, that is, the Internet is one website that you will gain a 99% probability in a situation where you write a post in your blog and you need to quickly find a picture on any subject to make your life post. This site is called Flickr. However, the search for it, to put it mildly, not very convenient. Type your search query, you'll flip through page after page of photos, though not knowing you get photos forbidden to repostingu or open and also run the risk of running into a low-work authorization. Not to mention that if you have free account, you browse to a ton of text, but no less annoying ads. Do not be sad, we now have the perfect search, and we will tell what he is perfect! :)
Compfight - the parties are very lightweight service that provides almost instant search Flickr by specified tags or even whole words accompanying looking for a photo. Let us briefly enumerate the reasons why you should stop on this service:
- You can select how to search for all photos, and protected only by a Creative Commons license;
- you can make a selection of original photographs and they are to issue will be underlined by the blue line. Hover over it with the mouse and you will see its real size;
- availability of Safe search (probably filters issuance "zhaloblivogo" content).
In general, it and all, but this will get you more than enough for the fastest and most effective search better fotohstingu Flickr.