Do not go to university, or why I had dropped out
Forming / / December 19, 2019
"How to go? Why?! "- the phrase I hear every time I try to answer the question about why I'm not at the university. "You have, perhaps, something bad happened, because of what you had to go, right?" Of course, because just one of the university is not going away, right? Or not?
Realizing that, in addition to this reaction, my departure will not cause more than anything, I try not to answer this question or to move away from discussions because everyone considers it his duty to tell me what I have done wrong. Over time I realized that it makes no sense to be ashamed of its decision, especially if I believe that he entered the 100% correct.
So I want to tell you why the university in its present condition - it's not what you want me, you and your children.
We want to be like the rest
Remember, what happens in schools with children who wear glasses or trying to learn well. At best, they will not be in the company of "cool", and at worst - the main aim of this company will make their life miserable. But, of course, as there are fond of saying? "They're children, they do not understand." Well, do not understand.
So, we want to be the same as the others since childhood. And what do the "all others" after school? Try to get to the university. Preferably on a budget. If it succeeds, the purpose-made maximum. If not, then the parents will have to spend thousands of dollars on your training or educational institution to choose easier - or technical college fashion, which, in essence, is the same school.
It begins the time, which is referred to as the best time in a person's life, meaning by this, of course, not study. But rather what you will drink (a lot), to communicate with the opposite sex, and sometimes go to class, trying to sit out at least half. Having re-read this paragraph, I realized that it does not sound so bad.
And most of it is enough. They forget about how much time is spent in the void, how much money is spent on the study, which is of no benefit. I, for example, did not study in the most expensive universities in Ukraine, and this time only to study spent $ 7 000. I think this is the biggest investment of my parents in me. Is it justified? Alas.
Studying at university - is not the only way
How many courses I could visit with the money? Course of true professionals who have dedicated their work for decades, who love what they do and are willing to share useful knowledge. How many books can be bought? I will finish with a banal question, you already know the answer.
Studies at the university no longer guarantees professional success in the future.
One reason for this is motivation. When we do what we like, we are guided by internal motivation. That is, we enjoy the process. Money, promotion or praise sidelined. After all, you will agree, it is much nicer to deal with the case and enjoy not only on remuneration but also on the process itself.
Unfortunately, the university goes a completely different way. Learning involves boredom, monotony and lack of interest, and all this for the sake of ephemeral figures in a paper magazine. And if these ephemeral figures are good, then five years later you can get ephemeral red plastic paper. For this purpose worth living.
This is akin to a long time when you drink cola and forget that you can quench your thirst with water. Or when a long ride by car, and forget that the walk from work to the cafe and you can walk. So it is with the university.
We forget that the learning process itself, and then the work can be enjoyable.
I have a friend who is also retired from the university. Four years of study at the university was given to understand that he wants something else. In his case, it's design. Only half a year of intensive learning, several unsuccessful attempts to get a job, and he still works as a web designer. It's not even the company of his dreams, but definitely one of the steps on the road to it. This example is very encouraging.
self-education It does not mean that you have to shut down in a room and not come into contact with other people. Seminars, conferences, people with similar interests - you have a huge number of ways to communicate with interesting people, and most importantly - to learn. When a student is not for rewards in the future, but simply because it is like the process itself incredibly inserts.
I was finally able to articulate what I do not like about the university:
In studies at the University there is no passion.
Furthermore, if you come with your passion, you have it certainly beat off. Universities in their current state kill the desire to learn. This is true even of medicine, which is so like to cite the example of the defenders of the standard of education. In my town Medical University has long earned the reputation as the most vzyatochnicheskogo school. Think about it, when you come to the reception to the young professionals.
Would it not be more logical to choose interesting items? But no, the financier should be taught philosophy, medical - history of economic thought, and architect - chemistry. Broadens the mind - so it is called? I do not want to expand their horizons useless knowledge, multiplied by the subjectivity of the teacher.
Learning on their own, you can choose your own path.
You want to learn English? You can create a program that will include watching movies in the original with subtitles, reading English books, learning new words from the articles on the Internet and use Duolingo. It's much better than every day to sit with the textbook Golitsin, which eventually begin to appear nausea.
With the advent of services such as Coursera, It becomes clear that the current system of education need to change something. Self-education makes it possible to feel that your knowledge is useful and will be useful in real life. You will not always go forward, sometimes have something radically change, but it's still a thousand times better.
Obtaining a university crust - it is no longer safe and far from the most interesting way of life. Do not try to be like the others, and be especially sure that the university - is the only way. There are others.