Codementor - the place where the programmer Jedi meets his Padawan
Forming / / December 19, 2019
I would like to become a computer programmer, started to study any of the popular programming languages - but are stuck on certain tasks and does not budge? You can, of course, to plunge into the depths of Google and the SERPs. And you can use the capabilities of the platform, where experienced programmers will tell and show you how to solve your problem.
The site, which I want to tell you, called Codementor - and here you will be able to personally get advice from a qualified developer. It works all the best traditions of community network:
You have a problem with the code? It does not compile the application? The debugger showed a lot of mistakes? You create description and formulate your question or task, and then publish the site. In this case, you can choose between the programming languages such as Ruby, Python, PHP, JavaScript, CSS / HTML and many others.
Then you find yourself in the list of experts you require a specialist, who (according to his portfolio, and said experience) can help you. He will advise you immediately or appoint you advice or chat on Skype. This advice, however, is not free: Session on Skype or online chat will cost you anywhere from $ 4 for 15 minutes.
1-2 consultation you will surely decide to her problem - and gain new knowledge in programming. In this case, you can use text and video chat, sharing screenshots and remote access to your desktop. If for some reason, the result does not suit you, Codementor administration promises to give you back the money spent.
And on the same site, you can capitalize on your knowledge of programming. We can only accept applications from experienced developers. The price for their services is not dependent on the time spent. All those who feel able to teach other programming may apply.
website Sodementor