How to go to study in Taiwan: a personal experience
Forming / / December 19, 2019
Today we want to share with you the story of Ivan Berdasova, who is studying in Taiwan. Ivan told about the peculiarities of the country, education, scholarship opportunities, and life on the island.
I went in 2009 to the Moscow City Pedagogical University on specialty "Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures." The university's first foreign language is Chinese, then English.
Since China began to teach more in grade 10 (albeit not very serious / successful), for admission to University of some base was already, and since I was not the only one, we have identified as a separate group.
After the first course had the opportunity to go for internship to the university - student exchange program. Such agreement is, every self-respecting university, and chances are always with excellence. Not to mention the paid versions.
Thus, the year I studied at the University of Chinese culture (Chinese culture university), however there was training, to put it mildly, not very. large group - 25
–30 people, despite the fact that in Moscow in my group had a total of six (which is on the language classes). With so many people in the group language learning is simply impossible: there is no way to talk.why Taiwan
If you do not take into account that both times I had the choice of not at all, I can say this: I have been in mainland China (Beijing), and Taiwan by a number of different options for the better. For the most part it is about people: they are more open, friendly and cultural. If Taiwan's someone climbs into the subway car without waiting in line, one can see - a man came from the mainland.
However, for the Chinese mainland, there is certainly more opportunities for tourism - this is a major plus. And, of course, for those who study Chinese, it is no secret that Taiwan still uses traditional characters (simplified and not, as in China), which makes many uncomfortable. But all is not so bad. They quickly get used to, and then some "Chinese" characters seem illogical (for example, when the word "love" thrown an element of "heart", but leave the key "friend").
How to get a scholarship
How did the second time - the story is very funny. As they say, nothing no signs of trouble. :) In the yard was the month of August, and I was resting with his parents in Germany, on the lakes near Berlin. It woke me up a phone call from the dean, who told me the glad tidings.
The fact that in the spring I gave TOCFL exam - Test of Chinese as foreign language, which is held the Taipei-Moscow Commission on Economic and Cultural Cooperation (so cleverly called the organization carrying out, in fact, function Embassy). For those who study Chinese, it is the same that the HSK in China.
However, a person who has passed the examination for level 3 and above (out of five), has the right to apply for a scholarship Huayu Enrichment Scholarship. As a rule, it needs to apply and collect all the necessary documents. Why did they choose the people themselves - remains a mystery. The most logical explanation for this: one simply does not know about these scholarships and submits documents. They certainly have a certain quota of how many scholarships a year, they can give to students from Russia, but if you are extra - selected from those who have passed the exam for a good score. For more on this, I described here.
The scholarship is 25 000 new Taiwan dollars, that is approximately equal to 29 000 rubles. Suffice it for tuition, housing, and still remains 5–10 thousand per month.
There are also scholarships for five years for those who have just graduated from high school and has not received higher education (1 year of learning Chinese and 4 years - Bachelor's degree), but as far as I know, you need to finish school with a gold medal.
And the third kind of scholarships - for training in a magistracy.
Details about scholarships and other things - here.
State grants only apply to the program in the Chinese language, but many universities offer their own scholarships and the English-language program.
Features of education in Taiwan
Taiwanese universities are divided into private and public. Education always pay, even for the Taiwanese. The system here Bologna: 4 years - Bachelor's, 2 years - Master. But also operates a system of loans, so that training in the magistracy can stretch on 3–4 years, only to pay the money.
Universities also occupy a good place in the world rankings. National Taiwan University (National Taiwan University, NTU) is among the hundred best universities in the world (2009 - 55) and also is consistently in the top three universities Asia (1–3 places in different years).
How to choose a university
Choose a school, based on the intentions and capabilities. The most prestigious, of course, is NTU, but should bear in mind that there is more study would be like to study at Harvard than at MSU. It is also held in high esteem such universities as teaching (Taiwan Normal University), political (National Chengchi University), Tamkang university, Chenggong University.
By the way, it is such that the universities also offer some grant programs, for example, there are exactly in Chenggong University (Mr. Tainan). It is already necessary to specify directly on the website of the University.
For those who travel to Taiwan only to learn Chinese, the best one will be the most Pedagogical University. That it produces 99% of textbooks on Chinese language, and that the best teachers are working there. National Taiwan University and also at the level of Political.
Typically, the arrival process can take up to six months.
Language learning
There is a degree that can be read only in Chinese, some - in English only. Also, there are specialty, where you can visit, and Chinese and English lectures, but English will be enough for successful development. More precisely - on the university website.
Basic requirements for applicants
If you plan on training in Chinese, require submission of TOCFL, for English - TOEFL or TOEIC. Levels and points establishes University. Naturally, certificates, diplomas and other documents are available as needed. And with an official translation, which, among other things, must be certified by the stamp of the Commission.
Work while studying
Scholarship regulations prohibit any work or part time. Otherwise - zeroing scholarships, visas and deportation. Ordinary students usually work. The most common part for foreigners - Teaching English (Russian this is difficult, but can be if desired). Girls (and guys) European appearance often work part time models for advertising or at exhibitions for very good money.
the cost of living
You can live differently, I average about 25,000 a month for meals / entertainment and so on. Clearly, without traveling around the island. You can easily spend more, can be less.
On average, a meal on the street costs from 50 to 150 Taiwan dollars. Taiwanese rarely cook at home, Food here is very well developed.
Advantages and disadvantages
- The first thing that catches the eyes of anyone who had come to the island to a foreigner - friendly and responsive to local residents, as well as the culture of their behavior. At public transport stops are lining up, no space set aside for the elderly and disabled, do not litter and so on. D. Several times, when I looked around the subway map, approached me and asked if I needed help. Population in English speaking passable.
- Food. There simply a cult food. Instagram and Facebook are filled exclusively Taiwanese food. Different types of Chinese cuisine are closely intertwined with Japanese, Korean and Southeast Asian cuisines.
- Like the fact that the city is never traffic jams and public transport is very convenient.
- Taiwan is also considered one of the safest places in the world.
- And, of course, service and convenience. It is literally in everything from shops 7-eleven (in Taiwan the world's largest convinience store'ov density), where it is possible 24/7 come, eat, go to the toilet, to print a document and receive / send a parcel (stores in a few tens of times larger than the mail offices). In addition, most of the products in the shops are sold ready-to-eat / further processing. That is, you do not need to clean and cut fruit / vegetables, and so on. Because of this, however, the Taiwanese have forgotten how to do anything themselves, so if you are able, for example, to cook, they will think you are almost a god.
Of the minuses core - is the weather. Due to the humidity in winter cold (central heating in apartments there, the walls tend to "cardboard"). So when winter outside 15 ° C, the house is almost the same. It rains often. Tropical downpours can not be stopped for a week, as it happened on my sole vacation for six months.
In the summer the temperature can reach 40 ° C, in combination with moisture, turns into the whole island sauna. Saves only the air conditioning - even at night to breathe on the street is very difficult. On the other hand, you can swim in the ocean almost all year round. Even in the winter in the south of the island is very warm.
Very expensive dairy products - imported from Australia / Zealand. 100 grams of regular cheese cost from 200 rubles. But there are coconuts, lychee and mango. :)
May not like the fact that all cities are the same, very gloomy and gray. Almost no historic buildings.
Circle of friends
I communicate with everyone. This Taiwanese and other Asians, Europeans, and, of course, Russian. Compatriots are not very many, but a tendency to increase their number is. There is a Russian community. In the past year we opened an Orthodox church.
Prospects for
Most foreigners in Taiwan working in companies such as ASUS, GIGABYTE and other IT giants. As for me, you must first finish university in Moscow. :) In general, I think about how to do here in the magistracy. Now I defined with a specialty.
Things to do except study
The most popular activity here - this is probably the ecotourism. Taiwan - a paradise for hikers and just walks in the park or mountain slopes. For this purpose there are all conditions: laid tracks, there are hotels and camping.
Well, the night life has not been canceled - Taipei is teeming with all sorts of cafes, bars and clubs to suit every taste.
Hopefully, the story and personal experience of Ivan will be useful to those who consider Taiwan for international education. If you have any questions regarding education in Taiwan, write in comments.