5 ways to maximize savings on admission to a foreign university
Get Rich Forming / / December 19, 2019
1. Extract with assessments and diploma
For admission to all higher education programs, whether undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate, and sometimes even on the internship, you need to provide an extract from the estimates ( "transcripts" from the English. Transcripts of scores) And a diploma. Or only the transcripts for the entire period of training without a diploma, if the study is not finished yet. Assessments should be made available, as a rule, in English. There are two main ways.
The first option - fast and easy, but it is quite expensive: include the Russian version of the diploma and the extract in translation agency, where the work of translation is a professional translator and the authenticity of the document certified by a notary. The cost of these services can vary from 3 000 to 15 000 rubles. Moreover, not all universities understand why a diploma translated in some notary public, and not issued directly to the university. In particular, it does not always take place in the United States.
The second option - the budget, but it is more labor- and time-consuming. It can either make the translation yourself, and then attributed to the signature in the dean's office or arm chocolate and with a fighting spirit to go to a foreign or international department of your faculty or university. With rare exception at this stage in Russian universities problems. Department staff do not always know what to do, how and in what form to submit documents. With due persistence and frequency of occurrences may be obtained free transcripts.
If the university does not go to meet you and you will incur documents Translation services, order only one translation, and multiple copies of (better to ten pieces). This will help to significantly reduce the cost of the whole process.
2. Courier service
The majority of high schools in one form or another is required to send a number of documents by regular mail. Without this set of documents is considered incomplete and will not be accepted. If you live in Russia, "Russian post"Dare to send documents only daredevils. Most have to seek the services of courier services. Of the benefits: delivery is very fast; you can be sure that the documents reached the addressee and transferred by hand. For example, from St. Petersburg to London, the documents can be delivered in 2-3 business days. Of the minuses, of course, cost.
Depending on the location of the university and the number of securities, shipping cost varies from 2000 to 7000 rubles. Now imagine that you need to send 5-7 sets of documents. Then you can save on domestic shipments.
If you have friends abroad, ask them to send your documents to the universities of the local ordinary mail. In Europe and the US state post, as a rule, stable and is worth a penny. Even send documents by European countries within the EU will still come out a lot cheaper than if you had sent them from the Russian courier services.
3. Application Fee
One of the main and are believed to be unavoidable expenditure for admission to a foreign university - a fee for processing the application for admission (appliction fee). The cost of this fee varies greatly depending on the institution and country of study. The average application fee can range from 50 to 250 dollars.
To reduce the total cost of application fees, especially in the US higher education institutions, for strong applicants have one life hacking. Write to the Director of the program on which you plan to enter, email about your financial situation and the fact that payment of the fee will cause financial hardship to your family or you personally. Ask either cancel the fee for the examination of the application (application fee waiver), or defer payment of the fee up to the moment when you take in high school (defer the application fee payment).
Important: this only works if you have excellent marks in the diploma, there are achievements, you write on good English, you have a really severe financial situation, and you are applying for a scholarships.
If you have an average background is and you just want to save money, it is better not to do so. High probability to set up a program director and staff selection committee against himself. As a rule, good writing and strong academic backgrounds of at least half the letters back to you with a positive decision.
4. tests
Delivery of tests on the knowledge of a foreign language, as well as international academic tests such as GRE, SAT, GMAT, comprise usually a lion's share of the costs associated with entering the foreign university. But even here you can save!
First, before buying a preparation guide in stores, go to the official test site. There you can download a sample form of the test, and sometimes materials to it. If the information is not enough, then the Internet can find a lot of free resources to prepare for the test, as well as the advice of those who have passed.
Second, international tests and exams can be taken in different cities and countries. And not necessarily recorded on delivery of your nearest test center. The fact that the cost of the exam may vary by region. In developed countries, it is higher, and in developing countries (especially in Asia and Africa) - below. delivery cost IELTSFor example, may be different for a couple of thousand rubles only on the territory of Russia.
Third, learn the exact conditions of delivery of the selected test you. This knowledge will help you not to spend money for nothing. At the end of passing the test TOEFLFor example, when the result is not known, surrendering asked to select up to four universities, which will be sent free results. Once they are released, each letter with the results of the test will cost $ 28. And even if the result is not yet known to you, it might make sense to take a chance. If the score is not high enough, the next month you can retake the test and send a new certificate. If the university is to doubt the level of your language skills, then schedule an interview via Skype.
By itself, a foreign language, if you do not come on linguistics, journalism or English literature, is not a determining factor for admission. It merely shows that the incoming will be able to successfully absorb the material and lead the discussion.
5. Opportunity Initiative Grant
It is absolutely wonderful fellowship for those who plan to continue their education in the United States. The scholarship covers the entire preparation process of admission, such as: test delivery, application fees at all American universities, sending documents by mail, transfers, visa, flights and settlement subsidy (subsidy for relocation and construction of the first time).
Applications are accepted year-round. Apply for a grant is possible through the American Councils for International Education at any stage of admission. It is clear that if you only pass the test, you can return the money only for one test, and if you have already moved to the United States and will soon start to learn in high school, the grant will cover almost all of your expenses.
Important: Grant is in the nature of compensation, that is, you can cover only those costs that have already been incurred and can be documented. The later you are applying (in the sense that if you have documents to enroll a student or you are ready to leave), the higher the chances of getting funding. Assessed the chances of candidates for admission to US universities (ie points will be considered received for tests, you can make conversation with US universities professors, the average score of diploma, achievement), it affects not only the reality of obtaining funds, but their volume.
we shared some of life hacking, they tried themselves and who exactly works. If you know more some interesting ways to save in the process of admission to foreign universities, tell us about them in the comments.