How to grow hair: 14 simple tips that will definitely help
Educational Program A Life / / December 19, 2019
1. Do not wash your hair every day
Shampoo, we wash off not only dirt, styling products, but also sebum, which moisturizes and protects skin and hair. Therefore, due to frequent washing of hair loses its natural shine, it becomes weaker and more susceptible to aggressive external factors.
In addition, the hair quickly get dirty. After all, it turns out that every day we wash off our protective layer and the skin goes into stress. Because of this, the sebum starts to be produced in excess. So we drive ourselves into a vicious circle.
Anastasia Voroshilov, stylist
Experts recommend to gradually increase the intervals between treatments. Perfectly shampoo need 2-3 times a week, but in any case, not every day.
2. Use Daily Conditioner
As part of such a product should not be a SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) and SLES (Sodium Laureth Sulfate). Instead sulfates, through which foam is formed, organic components contained in Daily Conditioner. That is why it cleans more carefully than usual and not so much washes sebum.
True, there is a lack of shampoo. They do not foam. But after a few uses, you get used to it.
Whatever shampoo you choose, remember that it must be applied only at the roots. For the remaining length will be enough amount of an agent which stechot with water.
3. Discard the hot water
Lower the temperature at least during rinsing. Cool water closes the scales, so the hair is not so pushatsya and look healthy and shiny.
And do not forget to use a conditioner or balm-conditioner. These products are also sealed scales. A balm not only smoothes the hair, but also gives them useful components: oils, proteins and minerals.
4. Nourish and moisturize hair masks
Hair masks must be used regularly, about a couple of times a week. But if the ends are dry and split, it is possible to carry out an intensive course of recovery and use a mask often.
How to choose a shop for hair mask
Choose a mask on which the package It will be written "Power", "moisturizing" or "restore". Do not look for products that promise to "irresistible shine" and "incredible shine."
As regards the composition, then there must be as many natural ingredients, primarily oils possible. And the order of the label is very important. If you see the oil, but it should at the very end of the list, it means that the mask of this component is negligible.
Apply the mask in the first place on the tips, then spread over the hair length, departing from the roots of about 10 cm. Rub into the roots of the mask is not: they do not need such wetlands.
Mask from cosmetic shops usually need to keep up to 30 minutes. Therefore, follow the instructions and do not rush to wash it: give a useful component to soak into your hair.
How to make homemade hair masks
A mask can be done independently. Better use of recipes tested mothers and grandmothers. For example, for the smoothness of hair mask is suitable kefir. You will need 1 cup of low-fat kefir slightly warm. It must be rubbed into the roots and spread over the entire length of hair. To enhance the effect, you can wear a hat. Leave the yogurt on the head for 30-40 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. can be washed with shampoo if desired.
Another proven way - honey mask. Mix egg yolk, 1 spoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture to clean the hair and wash off after an hour.
6 honey masks for health and beauty of your face and hair →
5. Use hair oils
Hair oil has long been recognized as must-hevom. This tool is applied to wet hair or to dry after application. It noticeably nourishes ends, closes the scales, gives the hair density and a healthy appearance.
Only when the multi-component oil, be careful. Carefully read structure and guided by natural ingredients. The fact that some products of natural oils do not. Yes, they will make your hair shiny, but very briefly. No deep hydration you get.
With regard to the application, the main thing - do not overdo it. You will need only a couple of drops of oil. It is better to grind the product in your hands and only then distribute the hair.
Well nourishes and regenerates hair and one-component pharmacy oils: almond, burdock, Grape or apricot kernel and coconut. The use of the latter provedEffect of mineral oil, sunflower oil, and coconut oil on prevention of hair damage scientifically. The study found that the molecules coconut oil so small that they can penetrate into the hair and improve the appearance of hair.
However, with conventional oil from the pharmacy will have to tinker. Apply the product on wet hair, mainly on the ends and leave for a few hours. To enhance the effect, you can wrap the head with a towel or wear a special hat. Heat oil will accelerate the work. After that, wash your hair with shampoo and place.
6. Be careful with the promoters of hair growth
These funds can be attributed to the heavy artillery. But the stylists do not recommend buying all the products whose manufacturers promise you fast results. Especially skeptical experts refer to shampoos for hair growth.
Anastasia Voroshilov, stylistShampoo for hair growth are most often just a marketing ploy. After using this product, we cleanse the hair. We do not leave the agent on the hair and wash off immediately. Therefore, active substances, even if they are there, just do not have time to act. Plus such shampoos are aimed precisely at the hair roots, the remaining length remains unaddressed.
Activators may also be in the form of peeling, lotion, spray or the mask. If you believe the reviews of stylists and their clients really work warm-up hair mask. Hot mix improves the blood supply to nourish the hair follicles and the hair grow faster.
In shops now quite large variety of masks, they are released and professional brands hair cosmetics. Even reliable products manufacturers need to first test a small area of the head and applied strictly according to instructions.
Anastasia Voroshilov, stylistWith warming mask, be extremely careful. In some people, the skin on the head is so delicate and sensitive that it can even harm the mask with a harmless compound. This could eventually lead to the opposite effect: the hair will fall out. Also remember that these masks are applied only on the roots, not to overdry length.
Accelerate hair growth and help homemade mask. First of all - on the basis of mustard powder. You will need:
- 2 tablespoons dry mustard powder;
- 2 tablespoons hot water;
- 1 egg yolk;
- 2 tablespoons olive oil;
- 1 teaspoon of sugar.
Mix all ingredients until smooth. Then put the mixture on the roots. To protect the tips of the contact with the mask, apply to them any oil, such as olive oil. Keep part of the recommended 15 minutes to an hour: guided by the condition of the scalp. Then rinse with shampoo and apply conditioner.
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7. Discard the dryer and irons
It sounds radical, but it works better than expensive masks. Daily hot-air drying depletes your hair. A curling irons or that are heated to about 200 degrees, converted to the tips of a lifeless straw.
So try to dry hair naturally: wake up an hour early, wash your hair, blot hair with a towel and be engaged in household chores.
If you can not completely abandon the styling appliances, at least a couple times a week, let your hair a break from them.
8. Use hair products thermal
If the work or reason to oblige put hairThen, as an exception to use a hair dryer, curling irons or utjuzhkom possible. But be sure to apply before this remedy for hair thermal protection. Moisturizing and healing do not wait. The product will simply create the hair film that will protect them.
Just read the instructions carefully: Usually manufacturers write limit temperature at which the tool works.
9. Do not wrap your hair in a towel
Even drying naturally can harm your hair. Therefore, it is important to choose the right towel: it must be soft, with a short nap.
It is not necessary to rub the hair and squeeze them. Just gentle movements blot hair with a towel.
Experts do not recommend to wrap her head in a tight turban. Remember that wet hair is particularly vulnerable, they are easily damaged.
10. Do not go to bed with a wet head
Never wash your hair before going to bed, if you know that the time and effort it will not be dry. Sleep with wet hair - it's a disaster.
Firstly, for the night due to friction pillow your wet tips of injured. Secondly, in the morning you wake up with matted, spiky hair in different directions. And then your hand is exactly reach for hair dryer or ironing.
11. Change pillowcases
Break and split hair may even because of the hard bed linen. Therefore, allow yourself to silk pillowcases. They are not so hurt hair and save you from having to vychosyvat mats in the morning.
12. Comb your hair gently
Wet hair is better not to disturb. Wait until they are dry. Or use the funds to facilitate combing: sprays additionally moisturize hair and disentangle them for you.
Begin to comb from the roots do not have to, and from the ends, gradually moving up. So you do not vyderete hair.
Also, experts advise to regularly comb your hair before going to bed. Firstly, because in the morning there will be less tangles. Secondly, the way you distribute through the hair sebum and, therefore, rehydrate them.
How to comb your hair →
13. Regularly go to the hairdresser
The desire to retain every millimeter natural and understandable. Still, discipline yourself to visit the hairdresser. No matter how you took care of the hair, they somehow depleted over time: are cut, break off, and you lose length. And in general, any hairstyle will spoil lifeless groomed tips. Masters recommend to cut hair at least once every three months.
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14. Eat more fish, fruits and vegetables
It brings benefit oily fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and trout. These foods are high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids.
Eat more fruits and vegetables that contain iron. For example, apples, cabbage, Pumpkin. And of course, drink more waterTo dehydration did not lead to dryness and brittle hair.
As for the pharmacy of vitamins, prior to their use is best to consult with your doctor.
Anastasia Voroshilov, stylistI do not recommend vitamins to their customers. Before the start of the reception, you must examine your body to understand what it is not enough, why hair does not grow as fast as we would like. If you blindly drink, such as vitamins E and A, which is highly recommended on the Women's Forum, can only aggravate the situation.
Miracle Shampoo humanity, unfortunately, not yet invented. Long and shiny hair - either genes or expensive salon treatments or proper self-care. The third option - available to all.
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