Why do all of us need more holidays
A Life / / December 19, 2019
In order to maintain a relationship, you try to fix everything that is negative? Stop right now: this makes no sense. We need to act in the other direction. Statistics show that most divorces occur not because of the increasing number of problems in the relationship. Typically, separation caused by the reduction of positive emotions.
How to determine whether a couple in a relationship? Do not look like people swear, watch how they celebrate.
If you want to make the relationship better, spend more time together, noting the pleasant events.
Studies suggest that couples who regularly enjoy spending time together and celebrating something, have a higher level of affection, intimacy, trust and satisfaction in relations. It is not enough to simply know your partner that you are proud of his achievements. Show it. Emphasizing the importance of the small pleasant events that take place almost every day, you strengthen your marriage.
The holidays need not only a romantic relationship. Enamored people constantly mark the anniversary. But if you are with a friend will maintain a relationship for 15 years, you are unlikely to'll go along to the restaurant to pick up the wine glasses on the matter. Value friendship and do not hide their joy.
Harvard professor Teresa Amabile (Teresa Amabile) discovered seven factors that make employees more productive and happier. You guessed it, the holidays at work - one of them.
Thoughts, feelings and achievements of employees are better when their successes, even if small, say at work.
Do you want to learn how to work in a team? Let's take a second look at the research teams. Who wins most often happen on the field? The teams who celebrate them together with his friends.
Understandably, in the conference room is not made to dance like after a successful goals on the soccer field. But there is no excuse for you if you do not speak to colleagues, "High five!" And slap them on the back. Such small ways to celebrate the victory lead to serious changes.
In 2010, a group of scientists from Berkeley found a correlation between the habit of patting on the shoulder as a greeting and successful interaction in the group. Researchers have studied this phenomenon on the example of basketball teams, as this sport requires a well-coordinated team work and is known for its complex body language.
It turned out that the number of friendly fists, claps his hands, hugs, pats on the shoulders and on the head is significantly correlated with the degree of cooperation in the team. For example, if one of the team members needed help the other players helped him to cope with the attacks of rivals, and did not try to better express their individual quality in the game. And the players on the team, who were more inclined to cooperate, often triumphed.
We spend a lot of time trying to get things that can make us happier. But this is not the most effective strategy. It is better to learn to appreciate the good things you already have.
Appreciation and enjoyment - the most famous and powerful triggers happiness. To use them, do not even get out of bed. The bottom line is, as you direct your attention.
The main component of pleasure - focused attention. By taking the time and effort to evaluate some kind of positive life events, people start to feel better. So when you feel gratitude or joy because of something beautiful, express it. Say or do something to show that you feel. Simply put, celebrate it.
Expressing his positive emotions shouting "Hurray!", You become happier.
Sounds corny? Maybe. But it works. Such a behavioral response is a physical expression of feelings, showing elation, excitement and enthusiasm. You can jump, dance, laugh out loud, to express my gratitude and joy verbally. It does not matter whether such a reflexive reaction, or you have done it deliberately - you still feel happier.
That will help you secure a new habit and achieve your goals? Chocolate. Author of the bestseller "force of habit"Charles Duhigg (Charles Duhigg) says that a small reward can help you fix most useful habit.
You went today jogging and want to be sure that'll go tomorrow? Pamper yourself, eat some chocolate.
Each habit consists of three components: a trigger that starts the habit pattern - actually normal behavior - and awards. Award is very important, as it fixes it in your brain pattern of behavior, which should be launched automatically. Chocolate - a vivid example of the award, which is a pleasure.
Small pleasures are launching mechanism of motivation and help to cope with the most difficult tasks.
Writer Dan Pink (Dan Pink) said that research in the field of motivation agree on one thing: the small joys lead to big achievements. Take time to enjoy good things in life, you get a huge charge of motivation.
Still undecided about whether to hold a party? Let's take another look at the facts and see how you can change your life for the better, simply by adding a little holiday.
You do not want regrets looking back on your life? Then mark important events. Psychologist Daniel Kahneman (Daniel Kahneman), a Nobel Prize winner, discovered that our perception of past experience - happy or sad - is determined by two parameters. Firstly, the way we perceive the event at its peak of development, and, secondly, the fact that we felt after its completion. What we are experiencing in the end - it is a moment of generalization of experience. Then we rely on it, "resume", recalling experiences.
Your brain is not perfect computer. What you remember - it's not the same thing as actually happened.
You can make sure that your memories are even better than the actual event.
How can trick the brain and look at life with joy? Make the important events in life always ended in something good - a holiday. So all your memories will be happy. And if your head is filled with happy memories, the whole life from the height of past years will seem amazing. Just add more holidays in my life.
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