10 free online courses that can be written next week
Forming / / December 19, 2019
1. What's wrong with the design of the last 100 years
Starting dates: September 9, 2018.
Organizer: Bang Bang Education.
Tongue: Russian.
A joint project of the online school of design and illustration Bang Bang Education and Yandex Academy. Experts - founder of the studio Letterhead Yuri Gordon, Readymag designer Stas Aki, Design Director Yandex Ilya Mihailov, Lecturer of the British Higher School of Design Oleg Paşcenco and others - will tell you about the history the world design from 1918 to 2018. They will talk about the best sites, famous persons and important dates in the development and creative development of this art movement.
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2. Basics of SEO-promotion
Starting dates: September 7, 2018.
Course duration: 4 weeks.
Organizer: "Netologiya".
Tongue: Russian.
On the developed "Netologiey" and Ingate course taught by experts Mail.ru, Google and "Alfa-Bank", and Head of Paid promotion Ingate Dmitry Pronin says about SEO almost poetic language. For four weeks, you will learn the basics of internal and external optimization, learn how to work with the semantic core sites, technical analysis and troubleshooting with the help of free tools.
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3. Latin language. initial course
course begins: September 15, 2018.
Course duration: 10 weeks.
Area: "Open education".
Organizer: Saint Petersburg State University.
Tongue: Russian.
Knowledge of English today is no surprise. Whether it Latin! St. Petersburg State University Teachers offer to focus on reading, translation and analysis of texts. As a bonus - new cruise Latin expressions, knowledge of which will be to shine in the company of intellectuals.
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4. Astrophysics: the stars before the Universe borders
Course duration: 6 weeks.
Area: "Lectorium."
Organizer: St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.
Tongue: Russian.
After passing this course, you will learn all about the birth, evolution and final stage of the life of stars. A more about how the modern astrophysics answers questions about the appearance of the universe.
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5. Programming in C #
Course duration: 14 weeks.
Organizer: Ural Federal University.
Area: "Open education".
Tongue: Russian.
C # - is a language developed by Microsoft for .Net Framework, based on C, C ++ and Java. After passing this course, you will learn the need to develop applications in C # skills and learn to apply them in practice.
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6. Monetization of online media
Organizer: Media Support Center.
Area: Udemy.
Tongue: Russian.
Short courses for journalists editors, Bloggers and owners of small media, consisting of two hours of video and eight articles. After its passage, you will be able to navigate the different monetization methods to implement those that are suitable for you, and learn how to earn on its online edition.
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7. clever things
Course duration: 2 months.
Organizer: Moscow State University.
Area: "Universarium".
Tongue: Russian.
Cultural code - the key to understanding the world picture. It helps to decipher the deeper meaning of many things, provides the connection between the sign and the meaning and explains the meaning of certain cultural phenomena. This course will help you develop creative thinking, learn to interpret literary texts and decipher the codes hidden in them.
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8. Opening the Russian province. Ivanovo
Volume of the course: 3 lectures.
Organizer: Online University Arzamas.
Tongue: Russian.
The new course of Arzamas, created with the support of the Government of the Ivanovo region and dedicated to the celebration of her century in 2018. After listening to audio lectures, you will learn how brides City turned the village into the center of the region and the textile area constructivist experiments. And yet how he inspired Shostakovich, Borodin to create music.
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9. Digital Marketing and Social Networks
Starting dates: September 10, 2018.
Course duration: 16 weeks.
Organizer: St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.
Area: "Open education".
Tongue: Russian.
Universal didzhitalizatsiya translated marketing processes in the online mode. After passing this course, you will be able to develop strategies to promote using digital marketing techniques and analyze the behavior of consumers in the online segment.
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10. Cooking in Russian
Starting dates: September 17, 2018.
Course duration: 6 weeks.
Area: "Universarium".
Tongue: Russian.
The creators of course Paul and Olga Syutkina - chefs and historians, the author of "authentic histories of Russian cuisine" "Authentic histories of Soviet cuisine" and numerous publications in the media about the history of Russian cooking and gastronomy. In six weeks, you will get acquainted with traditional dishes and products of our kitchen and learn how to adapt them to today's reality.
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