All who encountered presentations as part of the listener, and by the presenter knows what long napakovannye lot of information presentation, with a lot of text - this is a real torture for listeners.
Posomotrite story of Guy Kawasaki's 10-20-30 rule about - it has reason to be tried out by you, if you really want to sell something to the external client.
Which fonts should be used to create presentations
Tips for those who speaks in public: preparation, contact with the audience, slides, speech production
Videos in English, because there will explain briefly the essence of his theory:
- presentation should be no more than 10 slides;
- they are They must be told in 20 minutes (Guy funny jokes, most Windows-based computers do not pull the projector more than 40 minutes :) But the listeners are still questions ...)
- text size should be at least 30 (not all people see well, a large amount of forces you to be concise and the audience will not have to read a presentation ahead of you, and you will have to know your stuff, and you finally begin listen).